I was told I had bipolar(manic depression) or to give it it's full name Effective Bipolar Distorder about 4-5 yrs ago. After having had a breakdown 3 yrs earlier. BP is a very hard to diagnose,I was told at first that it was aggited depression.
When I was told I had BP I thought great! Then he said you'll be on medication for life!
Living with BP is a living hell as a general rule people with BP dont cope with the unexpected or any form of stress. Will suffer from all most every thing that is discussed in NMP. BP is genrous like that.
Manic's/High's are horrid. You dont sleep very much till sleep becomes a swear word. Your brain just refuses to turn off. All the time you and the people a round you are waiting for it to end wondering how long it'll will to get over it.
The depression side of it is more or less the same as every on else with depression.
I will try and get some sort of control back so I'll self harm or starv myself.
I have been ill since I was 12 yrs old,I'm 42 in June I first tried to kill myself at 14.
Churchill was thought to have had it,einstine as well. Plus Stephen Fry. It is a lonely illness. Like most suffer's I have a tremour and spams and I carnt hold a pen long enough to write. The only thing BP dosnt stop me doing is driving.
But I swear that if some one told me we've found a cure I would be first in line. But at the moment I'll stick to my medication in cluding Lithium. And with the help of my friends/mental health crisis team and mental health unit. I'll get through each day 1 hour at a time if I need be in any way I can
Cheers Dawn