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Thread: First major panic attack of the month

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Red face First major panic attack of the month

    I was struck down about 40+ minutes ago by a massive panic attack. I feel numb/'s took me 44 minutes to reach my my bed to the computer in fear of faining.

    Symptoms I've had:

    Feeling of unreality/depersonalisation
    Fast breathing/checking heart heat
    Dy throat
    Scared I will die or my heart will stop beating
    Feel frozen
    The ground feels smaller or funny, objects seem weird and wobbly
    Irritability and unable to sit still on the bed
    Feel weird like a zombie
    Feel I will pass out
    Worried my heart will stop
    Woozy head

    I even put relaxation tapes on and repeated them 4 times normally they work but tonight wow it's just stuck me and I've been unable to shake it off..nothing major at the front of my mind other than slight OCD concerns. At the back of my head I am worried about my heath anxiety is there something wrong with me. Every year I get a letter from the doctor about a check I had past issues with anxiety and depression so it says the government keep ask doctors to keep a check. And you can be at risk of other illness so even though I'm fine this time of year I get worried I'm i'll. I know it sounds silly last year I missed the appointment anyway..been before and they just check your blood pressure prob won't go this year but my anxiety says oh there must be something up with me. Why am I still anxious. As I post I'm still shaking off this panic attack convinced there's something wrong with me.

    When I get really panicky I don't want to practice breathing s relaxation tapes help. When I get these panic attacks I instantly check my chest as breathing can be too much and I had a score stomach as I was breathing that much. My eyes feel all weird still..during it my head says I hope I survive to share my experience and be relaxed again..

    Will I be ok?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    Yes, that's been an awful panic attack you've had. No I don't think you are ill, I think you are panic stricken at times. The fact you've now been able to sit and put down everything on the post shows that you've managed to calm down a bit to compose this - which is a good thing. You've got a lot of anxious introspection going on but this will not harm you. Sometimes we just feel jittery and stressed for no particular reason. Try not to keep reading too much into it. You only make yourself worse. I'd try the relaxation tape again and remind yourself that you've gone through these feelings before and came out the other end. If you can accept that it's all panic symptoms and that they can do nothing to harm you then slowly, but gradually, you'll feel calmer. I feel for you, but this is the only way forward and you can do it if you really accept.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    Quote Originally Posted by myra View Post
    Yes, that's been an awful panic attack you've had. No I don't think you are ill, I think you are panic stricken at times. The fact you've now been able to sit and put down everything on the post shows that you've managed to calm down a bit to compose this - which is a good thing. You've got a lot of anxious introspection going on but this will not harm you. Sometimes we just feel jittery and stressed for no particular reason. Try not to keep reading too much into it. You only make yourself worse. I'd try the relaxation tape again and remind yourself that you've gone through these feelings before and came out the other end. If you can accept that it's all panic symptoms and that they can do nothing to harm you then slowly, but gradually, you'll feel calmer. I feel for you, but this is the only way forward and you can do it if you really accept.
    Thanks. I have been making progress sticking to the walking, better diet, and relaxation tapes and normally the tapes solve a panic. Normally it's relaxation music other than a course with a voice as that can get depressing.

    Seems when panic comes it's a nightmare. Propranolol use to solve the fast beating but I'd still get a panic with breathing. Funnily if I have a job and I'm working I'm less prone to panic attacks at work. The positive of it this time is I never thought I was losing my mind I knew it was a panic but my concern is it's took me 40 mins to one hour to calm down. Had a weak/tired spell on the bus the other day with no sleep however I lasted, got to the Job Centre and I survived. I was always told I had to stay in the situation. So maybe it's less as bad in the house I can sit through the tapes.

    My major fear is my heart will stop working. I think there's a few posts on here about it but when you get anxious sometimes you have to chill your panic before you can come on and search at the symptoms page.

    I'll just have to keep looking for a job and I'm confident a less stressful one might be easier on my anxiety.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    Phil i know how frightening these attacks are .I had them every day for months ,sometimes 3-4 a day .Believe what Myra says .The fear this creates just feeds the symptoms .Lose the fear and accept that it will just go and it will .It will not have anything to keep it going .Its just a panic attack and wont hurt you ..Try to keep focusing on the times you came through them before ,and you will soon feel better . Luv Sue x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: First major panic attack of the month


    sorry to hear you had a bad panic attack

    you will be ok, its hard to accept its just panic and it wont hurt you, im the same.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    (((hugs))) phil xx
    live for NOW not yesterday or tomorrow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    I'm struggling today feel awful and NO sleep atall last night. I got a slight one and a half our nap this afternoon but feel all panicy now.

    I feel all uneasy, panicy, dry mouth...I'm terrified I'll go mad or die. I actually feel like Ill as I got no sleep and I'm supposed to be going out tonight..just lay in bed restless all day.

    Seems the more you worry about the anxiety worse it gets. Will I be ok? I'm terrified of passing out due to like no sleep it's not good is it? I feel all dazed/worried with the sleep issue now

  8. #8

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    I just started getting panic attacks again as of the last 2-3 weeks, haven't had a proper one for years but they have come back with a vengeance.

    I had one at work the other week and it was horrible, really upsetting. I had to go and calm down in the ladies toilets. My hands were shaking and I was really cold to the point of teeth chattering. I had similar symptoms to you which were:

    Pounding heart,
    Feeling like I was going nuts,
    Couldn't concentrate,
    Eyes felt weird like they were going to pop out of my head,
    My voice went a bit funny where my breathing went crazy.
    I felt scared and embarrassed and literally wanted to run away.

    I hope my doctor will prescribe me something as I cannot function at work when this happens and also I am now constantly on edge worrying about if and when the attack will happen again.

    I really sympathise with anyone who suffers these horrible panic attacks. :(

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    Phil, you hit the nail on the head when you say the more you worry about anxiety the worse it gets.

    Pixie - before you rush off to the doctor try to locate what's suddenly brought the PAs on again after a number of years.

    Resolve that and you will find the key to stopping them. Meds can help but they can't cure you long-term.
    Last edited by Brunette; 10-02-10 at 16:32.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: First major panic attack of the month

    Brunette you are so right - we need to resolve what started them again in the first place and then recovery will follow.

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