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Thread: Pain in the back of my head..or is it just a thought?

  1. #1

    Pain in the back of my head..or is it just a thought?

    Can you actually make yourself think youve got a pain? even if you havnt! My partner mentioned to me today that hes seen me holding (clutching) the back of my head recently.
    One minute im fine, the next i get this sharp pain, then a throbbing like pain in the back of my head, it can last up to about 2hours. Paracetamol doesnt help, and i get into a worry about having a brain tumor or something!! Silly I KNOW!!
    I want to go to the doctors and ask for a CAT scan or something, more for peace of mind, but as soon as they see anxiety on my records there just going to discard me and an illusionist arnt they.
    So i was just wondering if anyone else gets this sensation (out of the blue) ?
    Emma x

  2. #2

    Re: Pain in the back of my head..or is it just a thought?

    pain in the back of the head can also be caused by muscle tension in your neck, or the bloodveins that narrow, its good to go to the docoter, but you should try to reduce muscle tension or the worried feeling ( maybe find some disctration), it might help and the doctor will not disregard your feeling,

    but if it realy comes up that quickly you should realy see i doctor imo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Pain in the back of my head..or is it just a thought?

    Hi Emma, yeah i do occasionally get these pains right in the back of my head. I have to be honest though and say that I only get them when I am really stressed out, although at the time of these headaches i will swear down i am having a brain heamorrage or have a brain tumour. Isnt it funny how stress and anxiety have a way of working their way to the surface? and isnt it funny how we all seem to get the same response from our doctors too??
    If you are still worried about these pains then mention them to your g.p as any new symptom needs to be checked out but i honestly think that its stress headache. Good luck, hope they pass soon hun x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Pain in the back of my head..or is it just a thought?

    Hi ya!! This is how all my anxiety started about 7 years ago when I was 18, after looking in my mam's heakth dictionary I became very aware of my head and would get a pain instantly just thinking about it, this terrified me coz I thought I would cause myself a stroke or something but the more I tried not to think about it and not do it the more it happened. Luckily it went away after 4 weeks but came back randomly 15 months ago and I'm still suffering now unfortunatley. A lot of my anxiety is brought on by trying to stop letting pains etc go to my head which actually causes me more headaches in the long run. I've literally had a headche every day for the past 15 months, I feel very cranky now as you can probably imagine!!!!


  5. #5

    Re: Pain in the back of my head..or is it just a thought?

    It is completely possible to imagine up a real pain! The brain and the unconscious mind are amazingly powerful things that can cause some very real reactions in your body. Take stress for instance, stress is often borne out of thoughts playing on a persons mind and can have some awful physical side effects, my mother has suffered from grief related stress in the past and had everything from back trouble to asthma attacks! Worry and stress can cause a stiff/sore neck from the muscles contracting when you feel under pressure so this too may be a root cause.
    I'll tell you a quick story about some neck pain I suffered in December. I was reversing my car out of my parking space at work and looked over my shoulder, as you do, and about 30 seconds after finishing reversing and driving away I had the most awful pain in left side of my neck/head and could barely look to my left at junctions. I was worried why this came about so suddenly and intensely until I realised it must have been a freak occurrence of small muscle movements when I looked round to reverse - I must have trapped a nerve! It was stupidly painful for the next week, no paracetamol would help etc. and eventually it just loosened up of it's own accord

    By all means go to a doctor for an exact diagnosis but please try and remember that it's not always the worst case scenario, often far from it! I'm something of a raging hypochondriac myself so I do understand the feeling of developing or having had every symptom of something horrid, I should learn to heed my own advice

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