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Thread: amoxicillin

  1. #1


    hya, sorry to bother you again :( im scared to take antibiotics again, i have a tooth infection (i had the same thing last year) and have been given amoxicillin to take, last year when i had the infection they gave me metrodinazole (sp?) to take and after alot of crying i finally took them! well now im scared to take these ones. my mum has said im not allergic to penecillin and i have no reason to doubt her but still so scared to take them! i keep thinking what if i am and she's just forgotten (silly i know). can anyone reasure me and help me take them! going to the dentist thursday as apparently the out of hours dentist said i will need root canal treatment! thanks for any replies x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: amoxicillin

    Aww i can totally sympathise with you on this, but your mum will know best and if she says you have been okay with amoxycillin in the past then i'm sure you will be fine now, do take them as you won't want the infection getting any worse, believe me as a mum i would never forget if one of my children were allergic to something, as i'm sure your mum wouldn't.

    di xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: amoxicillin

    just wanted to give you a massive ((((((hug)))))))

    i am exactly the same as you. im very scared to take any meds!!

    few months ago i had awful toothache and was given the same anti biotics as you but i too was scared to take them and never did so but i was in agony :(

    do let us know if you take them xx
    live for NOW not yesterday or tomorrow

  4. #4

    Re: amoxicillin

    Hi Hayles,
    please dont worry and take the amoxicillin, its very rare to be allergic to this antibiotic, it has no side efffects and its given routinly to babies in a liquid form so it is very safe.
    i had toothace last year and needed root canal treatment, i also got amoxicillin for an abcess i had on my wisdom tooth and i am so glad i got them as it really cleared it up and i was in no pain.
    I had the root canal treatment and it wasnt painfull it just took a while and i got bored looking at a blank celing.
    I got my wisdom tooth out at the hospital and i was really panicing about that and was so scared about it, but omg i wish i had it done much sooner as it was over in less than a minute after getting the injection for numbing it. And after it wore off i was amazed as i had no pain at all.
    Just take the tablets, it will stop the pain and you will get better. xxxxx

  5. #5

    Re: amoxicillin

    thanks i just cant seem to take her word for it lol, i have 3 boys and they are not allergic to it i dont think, (that lumonous yellow medicine they give to children for ear infections thats penecillin isnt it? lol) im desperately trying to remember if ive taken anti b's with penecillin in it before, bah my minds in overdrive :( i really want to take them but the fear just takes over! feel so silly sometimes!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: amoxicillin

    take a deep breath & take the tabs - they are a good antibiotic & will get rid of the infection - believe me when i say the infection will do you far more harm than the antibiotics will,you trusted the person you went to see about your problem now trust them that they have given you what is needed to cure it - you,ll feel better soon xx

  7. #7

    Re: amoxicillin

    thanks very much ill let you know how i get on xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.

    Re: amoxicillin

    Hun you have to take them. I know it's scary but the chances of you being allergic are really slim and the fact is that if you don't take them then you can't have the procedure.
    It is far better to take them and get it over with.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: amoxicillin

    Have you ever had penicillin before - ask your mum if you don't know?

    If so then you will be fine.

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  10. #10

    Re: amoxicillin updated and panicking again :(

    hi all thx for replys well i had a dental appointment and they gave me a course of metronidazole instead as she said it was quite bad, i finished them day before yesterday, but today it felt a bit strangeso i looked at in the mirror and there was a tiny bit of puss coming out of the gum where it was :( does any one know why? didnt the anti b's work? or could it just be a bit left over? there no pain but im just soo scared again that this is the start of it coming back :( ive just used some corsodyl bu would really like any ideas why thishas happend?? thx so much ill be phoning dentist in the morning x

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