I've been feeling awful lately from these. I feel tension at each end of my head and feel like I'm looking in on myself. Sometimes I feel better but not felt totally right. I can get so bad I have to lie down with it thinking my heart will just stop. I could be at the toilet and have a sudden loss of memory and my surroundings feel weird. I'm worried to go out as my worries are I have a bug that my family has. Light seems all funny to me too, I just feel really weird and funny. This is the first long dose of depersonalisation I've suffered in about a year. It's that bad I wake up feeling it. I felt so tired last night I just had to go offline. My eyes feel heavy, dull, like bags.

I've decided to write down how I feel day to day to help look back on. Does this definitely meet the depersonalisation thing? anybody else suffering this?