Hey all I've had a weird feeling like an almost like my pulse feeling under my ribs and I could also feel it in my shoulder blades it lasted about 10 mins and when I went for a walk I didn't notice it after ! It started after taking my tablets an drinking lots of water but it was annoying I checked my pulse while it was happening and it didn't change the way it was beating etc.. So don't think it was a palpatation or etpoic beat !? Not sure what it is an concerned me a little to what it is. Anybody have any ideas what it is ?? Anythnk to with the aorta or anerysms just not going to freak out got to try an b positive becos I do get a lot of fluttery feelings under all my ribs and I've actually fought it was my heart beating but its not must b frm my nerves being over stimulated thanks for listening in please reply x