has anyone had a paronormal experience?.a few months ago my son+me was on our web cam to my daughter+her fella it was mid afternoon and all of a sudden they were both making gestures and waving,not knowing what they were trying to say and thinking they were yust waving we carried on chatting she then rang me up saying they had both yust seen a black mass coming from the kitchen and going toward the stairs behind me and my son,iv not said anything to them but the week before that a freind came to visit me she had yust walked in from the hallway when she said,oh god i thought id yust seen a black shadow in your kitchen,she passed it off thinking it was her imagination,we moved here 10yrs ago,i havent seen anything but have had doors close in the house,my other son,who now has his own place has since said he has seen the same black mass many times didnt want to scare us so didnt tell us up untill the time my daughter saw it to,and only last week my dog was yust napping by my side,me on the comp,when all of sudden her hackles went up and was barking like mad at the kichen door,i couldnt shut her up,she followed what, she, could see to the bottom of the staires i did get spooked by her strange behaviour but as i say i havent seen anything myself,not that i want to realy!!,have you had experiences on spirits ect ,it would be intresting to hear.x