Hey, so i'm new to this site! I was kind of hoping i'd be able to talk to people who understood what i'm going through!
I'm emetophobic and its ruining my life.
I'm having a particularly bad week and can't eat all that well, which means i'm constantly hungry, which in turn is making me feel sick :( urgh!
I hate this fear. Theres just no escaping it!
I know the dreaded "norovirus" season is over but i'm still paranoid about picking up a bug especially seen asthough my dad has Alzheimer's disease and spends a lot of time at day care centres - where illnesses spread faster!
I have exams at University in a couple of weeks - really could do without my emetophobic thoughts right now :(
I tried to talk to my family and friends about all this but I guess its a hard thing to understand unless you suffer from it!
Sick of this phobia!!