I don't know what a professional would say but I feel if I can bring some happiness and help others to find some enjoyment in their lives then it feels my life will have been worth something so it always means a lot to me when I read such kind comments about my posts.

I've never thought about it let alone attempted to write a blog so I would be the one in need of help to know how and where to start one.

One thought about anxiety. It can be like living in fear every second of every day but it's control over us is knowing it can frighten us via mere thought but in reality it has no substance so it can frighten us into thinking we can be burnt but in reality can't actually burn us. The thoughts it creates make us fear it will. We can either let those thoughts control our lives or we can learn how to accept those thoughts as just thoughts so we can find enjoyment in living without living in constant fear. Anxiety is like a bad habit so to break it we have to feel strong enough, get the right support and then finally have the willpower, determination and courage to say to anxiety - you will not take enjoyment in living away from me because I want to do the things that I want to do regardless of the worries and doubts you create in an attempt to stop me but you will not succeed because I am stronger than you because in reality you have no power.

Sounds easy doesn't it but I know from experience just how frightening it can be to stand up to a bully who tries to controls us except with anxiety it can say and do what it likes but you'll find it cannot hurt you.