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Thread: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Don't know if anybody can help me.

    I was on normal Mirt 30mg and tapering off 7.5 mg at a time. In terms of my depression it really worked for me but I had to give it up, not so much cos of lethargy though that was pretty bad but because my whole mouth/gums got painfully sore and felt like they were burning. After two such experiences with this drug I really couldn't take any more of visits to the dentists etc...

    My question is this-has anybody tried the liquid form or dissolving tablet versions. I think my GP believes they are the answer to my problems-I'm back on Prozac but at my request and I think he believes Mirt would be a better option. Would taking it in a different form possibly ease the mouth problems or am I asking an impossible question here?

    Just interested cos it worked well for me dep wise. Ta


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Hi Gordon, i take the dissolving tablet. I think it is the only option at 45mg. Never had any problems with it. It also has the added advantage of being faster acting for knocking me out at night. If your GP recommends it, suggest you give it a go. Keep on posting.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Thanks Jo

    Am back on Prozac just now so will see how that goes-I have been on it before and it seemed to help but Mirt was particularly good AD wise.

    My only complaint about it was it was great while I was off work for a while (zzzzzz!!!!) which I needed but now I'm back on a phased return I can't afford to be falling asleep at the desk!

    But your feedback is appreciated and at least I know it's an option for me-feel I am on the infamous Medi-Go-Round as Melancholia called it in a previous post but will keep battling.

    Thanks again


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Make sure you take it early in the evening to stop the drowsiness the next day. I take mine at 10pm and find Im ok to wake at 8am and I have no lethargy or tiredness.
    Ive not heard about mouth problems, is that a side effect of the meds?
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Hi Vixxy

    As you're probably aware dry mouth is part of the territory with any AD it seems. What was different about the Mirtazapine (for me anyway) was that it gave me incredibly sore gums and teeth-coming off them eased that but unfortunately also lost me the good properties. I notice on some other websites re Mirt that there are others who have suffered the painful gums/mouth thingy so guess it's just your luck.

    I agree with you re taking them early evening if you are to have any chance of getting up reasonably fresh the next day. I have perhaps overemphasised the lethargy though-when I look back on it they did help me function more or less fully, and enabled me to start seeing my kids again at regular times when before I had had to put them off cos of way I was feeling.

    All in all I think it's agood AD if you are lucky enough to manage the side effects.

    Take care


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Dear Jo61 I take the normal 45mg mirtazapine tablet at night. It does not dissolve or knock me out. Freaky or not? Hi Gordon I hope that you reslove your anti ds problems soon. EJ.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Thanks EJ

    I hope so too-beginning to lose faith a wee bit but know there will be one out there that will do the trick-Prozac may be the one who knows.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    I have been on lots of different drugs so please dont lose hope. I'm sure that there will be one or a combo to suit you. I was on dothiepin for sixteen years and with mirtazapine and lithium as well for a while. I always worry that if I become ill that as I am on the maximum dose of mirtazapine and lithium there wont be anywhere to go. I was soo ill on duloxetine too. I'm a very 'sicky' person too. I have built up a tolerance to most pain relieving drugs allergic to codeine. morphine, tramadol. I can't take nsaids because of the lithium. I'm also asthmatic. If I need to go into hospital I'm still given morphine but even with anti emetics so so ill. So don't give up. If the prozac does not work after a reasonable period of time try something else. There are my opinions only I am not medically trained and these are from my experiences only. EJ.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Liquid Mirtazapine or Dissolving Tablet

    Thanks EJ

    I'll keep the faith-I am probably just a bit down because of the frustration of trying to find the one that works for me. Just over a week ago I was fairly stable on the Mirtazapine-I feel as if I have taken a step back but am stronger now and better able to cope with the downers.

    Managing to get out a bit more as well which helps too.


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