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Thread: Duloxetine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.



    Just wanted to write a quick post, havent been on here for a very long time but I stop by now and again to read the posts.
    I have noticed there are quite a few posts about duloxetine and they are mostly negative, so I just wanted to let you know my experience with it.
    I began taking it last year for GAD starting on 30mg going to 60mg.
    Yes I had side effects like dizziness, yawning (weirdly), feeling sick and dry mouth but overall it wasnt too bad nothing like the terrible time I had on seroxat!!!
    It has changed my life I am able to do so much more and I feel really good. Yes I still have bad days but overall I think its really helped me, everyone is different. I was so nervous before taking it but as what all meds all you can do is try!!

    Jen x
    Don't ever let go of Hope, it gives us the strength to keep going when we feel like giving up!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Duloxetine

    Dear Jen I'm glad that duloxetine works for you. I was one of the people that it didn't work for. My reaction to it was violent and severe. As I have said before I wanted to give it a fair trial but my psychiatrist told me to stop it straight away. It is important to give a balanced view about duloxetine and if you have tried others and it has helped turn your life around well done to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Duloxetine

    i was ment to do a staight swap from prozac to duloxetine,, but got in a right mess so it on hold for time being,, cause im terrified
    Current meds,
    duloxetine 60mg am/ pm , cut out night time one,, see how it goes,
    seroquel 200mg xr pm ------ weaned down to 150mg-------now 100mg------ 50mg---------NONE-----back on 50mg

    diaizpam 5mg, as needed.

    come on panic attack do your worse,, you can knock me down,, BUT I WILL GET BACK UP AGAIN.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Duloxetine

    Im glad it worked for you, it made me really ill :(

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