Evening All,

I found this place a couple of weeks ago, just as I was starting my second course of SSRIs. I have spent the past eight and a half years believing, on and off, that my symptoms meant I was suffering from a terminal illness. Having read the experiences of others on this board, I have started to realise deep down, if not always on the surface, that I am suffering from nothing but anxiety, pure and simple. I cannot tell you how much it means to me finally to have appreciated the truth of what my GP had told me all along.

For the past two weeks, I have been taking 20 mg of Fluoexetine, known as "Prozac" in the UK. Three years ago, during my previous episode, I took Paroxetine, known as "Seroxat" in the UK or "Paxil" in the US. I know that Paroxetine has had something of a bad press lately, particularly with younger patients. But for me it worked wonders, and I am not convinced that Fluoexetine is as effective.

I just wondered if anyone out there had had experience of both drugs? My GP assured me that they were equivalent, but I am not conviced.

Grateful for any advice ...
