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Thread: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

  1. #1

    alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    I'm finding that when my dose is increased within a few days I crave alcohol.
    I rarely drink these days. My psychiatrist ignored my concerns and said it was'nt related to the pills, he also ignored me telling him I was having a problem with Bullimia. So I don't have much faith in him.
    I've read a few items relating to this, so it seems that others have experienced it also. It is thought to reduce alcohol cravings in dependants.
    Has anyone else experienced this on Mirtazapine?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    Hi Jan,

    Not really sure about the answer to that. All I know that since taking mirtazipine I do not drink very much at all. I think it is a mixture to be honest of thinking that it is probably not a good idea to drink too much with the meds anyhow but also I just have not felt like it. Untill I read your post had not thought much about it but I guess I certainly have had a less desire to drink alchohol than before mirtazipine...didnt notice this whilst on citalopram (and I took this on/off for 9 years)!!! So I guess for me its the opposite than craving it.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by JT69; 08-08-10 at 12:15.

  3. #3

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    Thanks Jo
    I've also had citalopram in the past, no cravings for alcohol.
    Thanks for replying

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    I have one glass of wine at a time and I'm taking 45mg mirtazapine. I don't think that there is a link between alcohol craving and mirtazapine. I expect the craving was there before taking mirtazapine and would still be there if you came off it. I don't think that the two are related.

  5. #5

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    No I dont crave alcohol, until increasing dosage, it is so unusual like a craving for an odd food when your pregnant, it occurs around 2 days after the increase and subsides within a week. I have found other references to this online, How do they determine what side effects people experience on a med if the psychiatrist does'nt take a blind bit of notice to what your saying.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    I had intense cravings for alcohol on seroxat and ciprimil but this disappeared when I went onto mirtazapine, the doctors didn't listen to me either but I done loads of searching on the web and there is a link, what ever the link is its very complex and differs for different people also in America alcohol abuse is listed as a side affect for seroxat and another antidepressant its also listed as adverse affect on the doctors desk top reference in America but nothing here in the UK, America is far more advanced than the UK so there definitely worth listening to.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    I dont crave alcohol, but I do crave cakes, chocolate, sugar and more cake. Ive never over eaten before, but since I was put on these meds I find that one cake isnt enough. Its a struggle to stop myself eatting a whole packet. I feel your pain.
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  8. #8

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    There might be a link,I heard of people drinking on seroxat
    I couldnt stop eating personally and put on 6 half stone(could be due to giving up the ciggies though,2 years ago)
    So cant be 100%.
    Could be a link you never know?
    So what are you going to do ?
    See if it gets any worse and dont drink yourself to oblivion,change the pill b4 you harm your liver.
    Best of luck.

  9. #9

    Talking Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    fluoxetine (prosac) made me wake up feeling PAAAAAARRRRTTTTY. i wanted to kill people. mirtazipine.. a man shouted from his car at a merging point..could not believe i put my fingers in my ears and went lalalalaa at him! never in my wildest dreams would have i done that.Normally so angry I would have got out of my car and confronted him with no idea or consideration of the consequences. I have found i don't crave alcohol .. but ben and jerry's choccy ice cream. Watch out for the biggun rolling cross ur town..think ghost ah mania.. i love it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: alcohol cravings on mirtazapine

    Has anyone actually ever drunk alcohol whilst on Mirt?
    Im going out for the first time in ages sat night and i will be taking my 7.5mg of mirt Friday night but not the Saturday night as i would have been this wise??

    Was on Cit too but stop taking them today

    HB x x

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