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Thread: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    I don't think he inferred that Australia is primitive, just that the communities there seem more 'tight knit' and therefore less keeping up with the Jones' type attitudes.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Wow, I've just stumbled upon this ancient thread from 2010 via the 'Similar threads' link at the bottom of the page when I was retrospectively browsing my thread about 'Cancel Culture', which could have easily been started in 2022 as many of the issues mentioned remain just as relevant now as they did some 12 years ago, but sadly we barely seem to have learned anything since then and still seem to keep repeating the same old mistakes and habits today, especially with all our same old same old indulgence in 'keeping up with the Joneses' and the 'rat race' stuff!

    It's as if the recent Covid pandemic hasn't even happened and I've still overheard quite a few people recently enthusiastically talking about their beloved holidays abroad that they've booked for over Christmas, despite all the constant talk of economic Armageddon.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Interesting necro thread to bump, but the nature of it is something I've been preaching for years on this forum.

    What we percieve as normal, is not normal to our subconscious, and often causes decades of low level stress.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    Interesting necro thread to bump, but the nature of it is something I've been preaching for years on this forum.

    What we percieve as normal, is not normal to our subconscious, and often causes decades of low level stress.
    I did bump this tread with caution, but the point of it is that it sadly seems that nothing has really changed during the time that has elapsed since this thread was first created in 2010.

    Self-inflicted stuff, and all that, especially as we've been repeatedly letting sleazy corrupt politicians stay in power, especially due to a lot of people having been caught napping during election times in the intervening period since this thread was first created, but still continue to bemoan the current lot in power.

  5. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Quote Originally Posted by fizzandfiddles View Post
    The "Stiff upper lip" attitude, means socieal interatction is inhibited and not open, people ignore other people talking on the bus and I know I for one get realy up tight when a stranger starts talking to me for no realson in somware like a waiting room. It also means people dont complain much for things to improve, just moan about things so sothing gets done and nothing gets improved.
    I'm confused...

    What's the problem here? Is it that people don't talk, or that they do?

    Fizz doesn't appear to have been active for a long time, but my advice for social interaction prevention is to bang on a massive set of headphones (ear buds are less obvious) and stare at a book, at ya phone, or out the window.

    There also seems to be a culture of fear anger and shame promoted by the media. I dont think there are genuily more bad people in the world, its just that nioce things dont sell papers etc.
    What about all the shit that goes on that we don't get to read about?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #16
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    What about all the shit that goes on that we don't get to read about?
    Things like child battering, mistreatment and humiliation of people with learning disabilities (of all ages) by power-mad individuals, and various other things that many of us would ultimately otherwise like to believe were consigned to history?

    While those things mentioned above may overall be declining in prevalence compared to in the past, there still no doubt continues to be several episodes of them 'behind closed doors', where the perpetrators are often right 'smart alecs', and also while the authorities are often caught napping, a la Winterbourne View and Baby P in the late 2000s and more recently the Arthur Hughes tragedy.

  7. #17
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    there still no doubt continues to be several episodes of them 'behind closed doors',
    Several episodes? The MAJORITY goes on behind closed doors. There are many men (and women) walking around out there who, by rights, should be locked up for abusing their partners/spouses.

    In one year, (2020) it's estimated that 1.6 million women suffered domestic abuse. That's more than a 'few episodes'.

    As for the 'authorities'...

    The police, who consistently ignore women's pleas for help and in too many cases, 'help' and 'belief' comes too late.

    Same for vulnerable children. Kids die, and then the people in 'authority' are forced to pull their finger out and do their jobs for a bit until complacency sets in again and there's another tragedy which could have been avoided had they done their jobs properly.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #18
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Here in Aus it is estimated that 2 women a week are killed due to domestic violence.
    A DVO isn’t worth the paper it is written on.As for the police a lot of them are abusers.

  9. #19
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolalee1 View Post
    Here in Aus it is estimated that 2 women a week are killed due to domestic violence.
    A DVO isn’t worth the paper it is written on.As for the police a lot of them are abusers.
    In the UK, every year, over 100 women and 30 men are murdered due to domestic abuse and the average is 35 assaults before the police are called. (Some people never call the police).

    And what about all those neighbours who pretend to be deaf or turn a blind eye to someone's suffering?

    My stepcousin was killed by her partner in Australia. She had four young children and the youngest has no memories of her mum thanks to that pathetic excuse for a human being. (I'll never, ever, forget that phone call from my aunty).
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Maybe Our Culture is partially to blame?

    Yep, I had neighbors that turned a blind eye and when the cops questioned them they didn’t hear anything the MF’s.

    That is sad about your step cousin,Nora and for the children left without their mum.The statistics are terrible here for such a small population
    It is worse in our First Nations communities.

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