I'm 11 weeks pregnant...planned for pregnany but still such a shock to my system.
Had anxiety on/off for the last 10 years...the last\few years have been good, I stopped fighting my anxiety and took it in its stride.

Right now, my new husband has left me (or rather I told him to go, as he admitted that he says he's going to leave in hope I'll say 'just go' and he therefore doesn't feel so responsible) for the 3rd time since we found out I'm pregnant.
I feel so scared, insecure and alone. I know my behaviours have led to this, he has openly admitted to not being able to cope with my anxiety (which has escalated with pregnancy). My mood swings have been scarey to me.
I feel he brushes off my feelings as unimportant...he disagrees with them as they are not feelings he intends to make me feel, so therefore doesn't understand I have them.

I've seen my gp and someone on a mental health team...who was great and has referred me for more counselling. I also sought advice for my husband (with his agreement), as he gets quite down about not being able to make me happy.

Right now, I just don't know which way to turn. I don't know if I can bring a baby into this. I've been a single mum...was one for my sons' early years through to teenagers. I'm not sure I could do it again with little or no support.

Only one friend of mine knows I'm pregnant, we've kept it a secret due to my fears of something being wrong. I have absolutely no-one to talk to.

I have so much to get off my chest, I know I can contact someone from the mental health team tomorrow, but I need to talk about being pregnant too. We contacted relate for some counselling, although I feel my anxiety might hinder any pregress there. I feel I've lost all faith in my husband because he keeps leaving me alone.