Been twitching for 14 years now. Some hot spots stay there for months. First twitch started in the shoulder blade and was there constantly for about 4 months. Ever since had them all over the place, the less you think about them the less they happen. Worst areas are inner arm and face ( had tongue twitches too and scary as hell). Sometimes so strong can even jerk your hand. Noticed a twitch on my son about 2 years ago when he was 13 and about had a heart attack ! I don’t want my child be like me and feel this crap and of course I freaked out about him having all sorts of things. I was about 24 when that started to happen to me not 13! I sat and watched the back of his arm twitch for a few days but it didn’t seem to bother him which scared me even more thinking what if his muscles are getting weak that he doesn’t even feel it. Ughhh this twitching consumed so much of my time. I still get it and some days it last for days but I try to ignore it and they don’t seem to stick around for as long as they used to. So you are not alone and it happens to a lot of us. Hopefully this would ease your mind a little .