Well I did post in the Colonoscopy thread, but since found out that they told me the wrong procedure, I am now having a flexible sigmoidoscopy. Funny isn't it, when I thought I was having a 15-30 min procedure with the colonoscopy, I was so anxious and wanted to put the procedure off for a while, but now I know I am having a shorter procedure, I feel so much better now. I know it won't be lovely...obviously...but I do feel better.

Its booked for Friday, 1 October, at 10am. The Specialist was pretty sure he wouldnt' find anything as he thinks my different bowel movements over the past couple of months, were all to do with my anxiety and panic attacks, which is what I think as well, because when I am calm, I have no bowel problems at all. But he wants to be on the safe side and so do I. Oh well, need to get it done so onwards and upwards! (urrrgh, literally..lol)....And another achievement for me to write down when its finished!