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Thread: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

  1. #11

    Re: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

    Wow! What a relief to find people who have this phobia. It makes me feel so alone.

    I would be so interested to hear about any coping strategies you guys have when you are the “panic” mode.

    I have had this phobia for as long as I remember. I avoid eating out, I don’t like social situations, I avoid chicken and always check sell by dates , I don’t like eating at peoples houses, I don’t dare drink, and 90% of the time AFTER I have eaten I go into panic mode and start hyperventilating. I feel like such a freak. I hate meetings at work and i regularly have mini panics at my desk. I am just always feeling sick all the time… I just don’t know what to do. I have tried to be hypnotised but that didn’t help… It is completely running my life.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by HelenLouise View Post
    just wondering if any other emetophobics feel sick all the time?
    I'm starting to get worried about this.
    I dread eating because i'm scared of having food on my stomach, because this gives me something to throw up!
    When i do eat, I either feel sick after and panic for half an hour till it passes or can't finish my meal.

    I'm so tired of it - i'm at my whits end!
    I don't know if this is anxiety related because it all seems to correlate with my anxiety and nerves.
    Lately though its an everyday thing and i'm so tired from having panic attacks and worrying.
    I hate nausea!!!!! I'm never sick from it but i worry that the next time will be "the time!"
    I just feel so low right now because the thought of living my life like this every single day is just horrible!
    I can't do it anymore :(!
    I wish i was afraid of something i could escape!
    Sorry for the rant, just feeling really alone at the moment and so close to giving up on everything! xxx

    hi i no how you feel am emetophobic to and right now i have an eating disorder due to loss of appetite as my anxiety went so high i stopped eating then i started feeling sick 24/7 and then i got scared to eat incase i vomit etc... the past week i have only just started eating again but its really just bread, toast & biscuits all bland foods i am trying my best to add more foods i get good days where i just wanna eat n eat and then days like today were i dont wanna eat at all as i woke this morning with real bad off/nervous stomach type feeling, palpitations trembling and now from not eating for so long i am suffering badly with acid reflux & the burning and nausea from that makes me panic more i hate this life i do find that i feel sick 24/7 and i get so scared to eat or i eat then panic like mad afterwards.. like now cos i have a nervous stomach feeling i havent eaten and really dont feel like eating but i no i should but i just panic & worry that if i eat with having a nervous stomach or whatevert it is i will vomit :/ how do you manage on bad anxiety days etc.... have you ever vomited when eating if you having bad stomach day

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

    hi am to am emetophobic but unlike you mine is only when i think i am about to vomit otherwise i'll eat etc... anything think i like aslong as ts cooked i will look after my kids, clean sick and so on its just me as i no my friend is emetophobic and she dont even like to no a person is sick she goes into panic mode..
    the only thing i really have r anti-sickness tabs i hardly ever take anyway but i no they are there
    but i no my friend has polo mnts, sip water, travel bands n so on
    do you no that food or anything can not make you vomit people can go there whole lives without ever been sick.. its all about negative thinking the thinking 24/7 about feeling sick is gonna basically make you think u are sick when your not the body will only be sick when it needs to rid of any toxins so relax and chill let the nausea feeling pass if you have it..
    god i just sounded like i cope great with my phobia but right now am going through the worse time ever with it i hopefully soon will get over it have you ever tried CBT? OR HABIT CHANGING ?

    try this it myt help you -

  4. #14

    Re: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

    hi everyone, i am a 13 yr old gril, and i have emetphobia. even though i am at such a young age, it ruins my life. i recently had a sinus infection, which may of turned into mono. i havent been to school in about 3 weeks, and i am terrified right now. i need some advice from eberyone, because i just realized what i have and i dont understand what my body is doing to itself. my mom is really supportive of me and tells me that its just in my head, which im sure it is! but it just scares me. i am going to try to go to counsling, but my appt isnt for awhile, so until then, anyone have any suggestions? im only a little girl and i need help

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by cheerlover404 View Post
    hi everyone, i am a 13 yr old gril, and i have emetphobia. even though i am at such a young age, it ruins my life. i recently had a sinus infection, which may of turned into mono. i havent been to school in about 3 weeks, and i am terrified right now. i need some advice from eberyone, because i just realized what i have and i dont understand what my body is doing to itself. my mom is really supportive of me and tells me that its just in my head, which im sure it is! but it just scares me. i am going to try to go to counsling, but my appt isnt for awhile, so until then, anyone have any suggestions? im only a little girl and i need help
    Hi i no how your feeling, i noticed i was scared of vomiting when i was about 11 or 12 am now 28 years old and still have the fear it hasn't always been with me the whole years well it has but i have never noticed it as much as i am now i have been having a bad time with it alot lately.. dont let this put you off as you also can and will learn to live with it or foeget about it and over come it ...
    i ask myself this everyday and tbh ireally dnt no as i dont think am gonna choke and die i can be near people who are vomiting and i look after my children and clean up there sick when they are unwell... my friend who also is emetophobic cant understand why i can be around people who are ill etc.. as she cant even think about it without going into a panic my problem is it only affects me when i feel or am sick which is hardly ever....
    counselling will be good for you and also suggest to them CBT its a way to help you change the way you think.... but if i woule of done all this when i was younger i guess i wouldnt have been so bad now as i got offered counselling and everything when i was younger as i was really bad i just didnt accept it :-( which i totally regret now.. so dont forget you can over come it and you will in time,,,
    one thing my counsellor asked me to try which i found real easy to do but my friend could not do was put a toothbrush or something in your throat and make yourself baulk.............. to prove to yourself there is nothing to the baulking have a try x

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: emetophobia and feeling sick all the time.

    I am emetophobic and have been since I had stomach bug at the age of 12. I am now 30 and was sick once about 3 years ago and since then I have been terrible with my fear and that is what has triggered my anxiety I think. This week I had a latte in Costa Coffee, I love these and I go in a couple of times a week. I hadn't eaten anything all day when I went in this week and I had my coffee, 5 mins after starting it I felt like I was going to be sick any minute and got bad stomach cramps. I was in such a panic, Mum could see it in my face. She told me to tae my anti nausea tablet and take some deep breaths. I am not good with milk anyway but on an empty stomach I'm terrible. I know I shouldn't drink a medium latte (double shot espresso in) but I'm addicted (only started drinking coffee 18 months ago after discovering Costa lattes).

    My anxiety has been bad all week and nearly been sick a couple of times until I took my metoclopramide and did some deep breathing.

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