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Thread: Need to gain weight... been given this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Need to gain weight... been given this

    Was told it would increase appetite and help me gain weight. Obviously most people seem to hate this - but I desperately need to gain about 3 stone... and quickly! I have severe OCD also and was told this could help that. I know it's mainly for depression and a huge sedative. But the tiredness is not a problem, I have no energy due to my very low weight anyway at the moment and do not work... I take 2mg diazepam for bad panic attacks, only when needed. I am slightly worried that the drowziness may make me forget to do things or I do something silly, like pour fairy liquid into my porridge, but I'm assuming it doesn't really cause that? I have emetophobia, which is why it was suggested to me over prozac, as it is unlikely to cause gastro side effects.

    So I was just wondering if it does seem to give everyone the weight gain? It would make such a difference to my life if I had an appetite and could gain weight, I am overjoyed at the thought of that, I just really hope it does...
    I was also wondering if anyone else with OCD has found it helped?

    edit: what painkillers do you all take on this? I usually take Nurofen Meltlets but not sure if I'm allowed.
    Last edited by mumble; 18-10-10 at 22:39.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Hi Mumble
    Mirtazipine usually causes weight gain , I had lost over a stone in weight and suffer from depression and anxiety so was given this medication and already in around 5 weeks I have started to gain a few pounds, my appetite is back and they are working on my mood to since the dose was increased. I also suffer from emitophobia and have no nausea or sickness taking these tablets. They are sedating to start with and I do still get confusion some days but not to the point of fairy liquid on my cornflakes although I did put the dishes away in the fridge instead of the cupboard in the first week which my children found funny. They are worth a try and I am sure once they are in your system you will be glad you started them, I sure am . They are helping lots with my problems . Good luck and try not to worry about the sedation, just take it at bedtime . Let me know how you get on with it.

    Oh yes I am not sure about what pain killers you can take with it , I had to stop my migraine medication, probably best to ask your GP before taking anything else with it. I have diazepam and zopiclone, but they are not pain killers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Oh thanks for the reply! That's great to know. I'm glad they seem to be working for you =) Feeling more positive about them now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Hi there, also about the drowsiness... i haven;t really found this a problem ( I'm still managing to swim 40 lengths a day and either run or go to an exercise class). I do feel slightly sedated when take them, but then sleep pretty well. likewise i have also gained a few pounds ( massive cravings for chocolate and carbs). Good luck with it xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Mirtazapine essentially gives you the munchies. I find it really hard to resist anything sugar based now. In fact my taste buds tingle when I think about it lol.
    Try to take the pill 30-45 mins before you plan to sleep. If you take it too late it might lead to a bit of a drowsy start the next day. I take mine at 9:30pm and I wake around 9am ish with no after effects. If I take it later, around 11pm, then ill find it really hard to wake up the next morning.
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Agree with all the above. Have been on it for 9 years and now reducing. No problems with paracetamol. I can't take ibuprofen because of other meds but used to take it with Mirt. xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Hi Mumble,

    I gained around 2 stone and have been taking it since February...I am one of the ones that could of done without the gain but would never turn the clock back as mirtazipine helped me enormously. I take mine around 9pm every night (currently on 15mg as hoping to come off) and feel fine the next day...even getting up at 4am as I had to do the other day!!! Lol!!

    Good luck with them and let us know how you get on.

    Take care

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Hi Jo and Jo61. I'm envious of you both reducing mirtazapine as I am still on 45mg and strict instructions not to reduce currently well. Are you still taking lithium Jo61? I'm still on that too. Hi Mumble. I have found mirtazapine an excellent anti depressant and I have put on weight too although less so. Currently trying to lose and 6lbs lost so far. At the very beginning I had the drowsiness that you describe but never enough to do something silly just a feeling that I would go to sleep there and then. This only lasted for about two weeks. If you are having problems putting on weight then mirt might encourage you to crave carbs and sugary things. It sounds that with the emetophobia that you suffer with that you will have your own control in place to stop you piling on too much weight. At the very beginning I was piling on about 2lbs a week. The only problems I have found have been with reducing the mirt. I experienced some unwanted side effects. Take care Mumble. The only way is up now. EJ.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Need to gain weight... been given this

    Hi EJ,

    Please dont be envious as we never know what is round the corner and I have been having a few awful days with trying to wether the storm and wondering how the hell I am getting through the days at work but having appetite has gone during the day and tends to return in the evening when I am at my best....still I need to lose some weight so it wont hurt!!!

    I increased the pregabalin yesterday but think I did too much as I felt so drowsy this morning and had to be in work at 7 so not good....then the anxiety just lingered throughout the day...not as bad as I sometimes have it but bad enough...jelly legs and almost bordering panic!!! But I got through and am not in tommorow so trying to chill now!!!

    Hope you doing o.k.......


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