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Thread: my first panic attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    my first panic attack

    Hello everyone, my name is Mary im 34 and have experienced my first panic attack two weeks ago and they havent stopped since. Iam very frightened, tired and totally confused. It all started after i suffered a reaction to a tablet my doctor had given me, an antidepresant, i took it early on the saturday morning and felt fine, my husband and foster child had gone out ,i sat down to watch abit of telly which is something i rarely do and i felt abit sick so i went to bed to lay down, i was sick and was feeling worse so i called my sister(my mobile was down stairs and i didnt have the energy to move and i dont know his number.... stupid girl) to call my husband to ask him to come home, which he did, he said i would be fine he got my mobile for me and him and the foster boy went off to watch the football. I fell asleep only to wake up to the worst feeling all over me i thought i was going to die! i was cold but boiling, shaking ,pins and neddles eveywhere i was so so so frightened i didnt know what to i tried to call my husband but it went straight onto his answer phone which freaked me out even more so then i tried my family and friends but again i kept getting answer phones, by this point i thought i was going to faint or die on my own, then i heard voices outside and i thought it must be my neighbour, so some how i got to the front door, opened it and stumbled out... in very bright pink pyjamas, i must of looked a right sight, but it wasnt my neighbour it was a stranger i asked her to help me but she basically told me to get lost which freaked me out even more...nice lady, i dont think! i got myself indoors and called my mum who was fantastic. she herself experinced panic attacks when i was a child!! she tried to calm me down but in the end called me an ambulance which came very quickly i was in such a state i really thought i was going to pop my clogs, i calmed down when the paramedics were with me i felt so awful that i had wasted their time but they were very kind my husband had called me back and got his mum and dad to come round until he got home, oh it was such a relief to see him but over the next 24 hours the attacks came and went i was totally shattered and still so scared on the sunday i started to get horrible thoughts which again totally scared me beyond belief my sister was fab and looked after our foster child .on the monday i went to the doctors i was a complete mess she said i had been having panic attacks and she gave me somethings to calm me dowm which i was frightened to take after taking the tablet saturday i darent take any of them...but i was still getting the horrible feelings and was so worn out so my husband sat with me while i had them..hes such a wonderful person i rested for a few days and last week end was not too bad but i still had horrible butterflys in my tummy then monday night they started again the shakes the pins and needles horrible thoughts the worst feelings in the world i cant describe and most of all the loneliness my husband has been so wonderful and my friends too but when im having one of those moments it scares me so much .ive been to see a counsellor which the doctor recommened and that seems to help but in the back of my mind im thinking whens it going to happen again which i know is stupid because im making myself worse...yet again im a stupid girl!but the other day i was sopleased to find this site i sat and cried i didnt feel so lonely i have spent the last three days looking through it(between panics)iam so grateful to Nicola and the rest of you Thankyou for being there x ps iam sorry if i have waffled on but it has been so nice to get this all off my chest im not very good on the computor so if there is alot of mistakes im sorry thankyou again x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there,

    Welcome to this great site! You will meet so many great and friendly people here who have felt like you so many times.

    Im sorry that youe have suffered the last few weeks with your panic attacks, but now youv'e found this site you will learn so much about how to cope with them. The more you learn about the different symptoms, why they happen and what to do to prevent the symptoms the more confident you will feel and things will start to feel back to normal again.

    Keep in touch.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi me

    Welcome to the site

    Your story really touched me cos we all remember those horrible feelings of panic, made worse when you are unable to contact anyone to help.

    I know that it was very scary for you but try and understand what happened and why. Anti-depressants can have some very unpleasant side effects and some people say they feel worse at first so you are not alone. Which one were you taking? Have you stopped taking it now?

    You are in the early stages of having panic attacks so all the help you can get now to control them the better it will be.

    Certainly stick with the counselling if you can, that will help immensely.

    Well just a quick note to welcome you and I am sure you will get loads of help and advice here.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Mary,

    Welcome to the site, I'm so glad you have found us.

    Keep looking round the site at all the postings. It is so nice to realise you are not alone.

    Glad that you felt a little better getting it all off your chest.

    Post whenever you need to. There will always be someone here to support you.

    Take care

    Kate x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mary

    I went through the whole ambulance scenario when I had my first panic attack (and the guilt when they arrived and told me what it was) so you definately arent alone there.

    Just want to say welcome to the site. I hope you find some great help here as I have done.

    Love Sarah

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mary

    Welcome to the site, I'm glad you have found us. I think you have made the biggest step towards recovery - recognising what you have in the early stages and knowing also that you are not alone.

    Next time you feel panicky, think of us here - we have all been through what you are going through and we are all still here - and all of us doing better than before!

    You will get through it, just be strong and persevere.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    So why are you taking antidepressants to start with ?
    Are you still taking the antidepressants now?

    Your paic came from the change in blood levels of brain chemicals changed by the AD. You will not have this for life , you will be fine.

    You've done really well in recognising that it may be exacerbated by your thoughts on the subjects !

    It's really horrible not to be able to get hold of anybody when you need them..

    Take care - keep in touch .


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi mary

    i to have panic attacks if i touch antidepresants some people these tablets help so much,,and is others it makes things worse..,when i started havin panic attacks the doctor give me 3 diffrent antidepresants tablets to try,,not all at once but over a period of time,and boy did they make me ill and the panic attacks were the worst i have ever had,,,the feeling were unreal and these panic attacks would last day in day out....
    when i would go to the doctor she would always say keep on taking them it will get better....for me it never did they turned me into a nervous wreck stripping me of strenth,,confidence,,every day i would have pains and aches battering my body,,,they made me that anxious i could hear my own heart beat day in day out..the list is endles,,,i can only discribe it as my own personal hell,,,,

    i only started to get better when i stopped taking antidepresants,,,but again they can work wonders for some people...mary if u have had this reaction to antidepresants dont take them ,,,,,like radar says in her posts they changed your chemical level in your brain and u will not have this for life,,,,if you take away the source to your panic attacks in time they will get less and stop...i think in your case this tablet has caused your panic from what i have read....

    stay strong mary how ever bad you feel this condition will not kill you

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi mary we met in the chatroom tonight.welcome to will find so much positive help here.Nicola who runs this site is so helpful and the rest of us are so genuine that i,m sure you will find a lot of great advice here as well as a lot of fun.see you soon take care. love, steve xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , Australia.
    Welcome Mary! It a really healthy thing to vent and let it don't ever apologise for waffling on please...i'm sorry to hear you had such a nasty reation on the antidepressant - panic attacks use to charge in with their bats when i was on most of the antidepressants...i actually could hardly think straight on half of them, which is quite scary really, and my anxiety was intensified 3 fold. did your dr. put you on a SSRI? what was the name of the drug? i ask b/c your level of panic reminds me of what i went through, and my dr. suspected that i was hypersensitive to serotonin in the end...

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