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Thread: Benefits

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Benefits

    I dont think our government allow for internet provision in the Benefit calculations somehow .But im glad you managed to question the payments they had calculated .Its somehow always seems to be in there favour when mistakes are made .Still I dont expect there is anything you can do about it .Makes you angry tho ,but it doesnt make things any better imo .At least you will have enough to pay your water bill and a bit more to live on ,So thats a positive thing .They actually cant cut off your water due to health and safety .If you get behind with payments they will ususally ask you to make regular payments to clear the arrears .I had a web page I was going to post but its irrelevant now .Many of us have experienced hard times ,It makes you think twice when you do have sufficient about saving for a rainy day .This economic climate isnt going to dissapear overnight and its not only the unemployed that are struggling .We cant change the way things are and its better to concentrate on what we can do in life rather than what we cant .Some stuff doesnt seem just ,but you just have to make the best of it and get on with it .That is what I meant by my first post .It wasnt meant to upset you in any way . Sue

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Benefits

    Hi Piers,

    Good result about the refund
    Use it wisely

    It’s funny how they’re so quick to slap on fines and charges when we underpay, then when they screw up – which happens all too often – it’s just; “Whoops, sorry...”, and they don’t even repay what they unjustly stole!

    Sorry, the soapbox was coming out again

    “Also with these cuts the first thing to go are my servers. These are paid for until the 1/12/10 and were mostly paid for by work I did.”

    Could that be scaled back – find something cheaper for now – even if it’s just a temporary thing? Could some of it run on cheap shared hosting? Also, all costs like that should be offset against any profits you make, and if you work from home I think there are things you can offset for that too – fair wear and tear, computer equipment, a portion of utility bills. Sorry, I don’t know all the details.

    “I never asked for anything from the government, my schooling was private and my healthcare was as well, so now that I financial need help from them...”

    It’s not fair, and it would get me riled too. But at the end of the day it’s the system. It’s fine to let of steam, but you’ve gotta remember... who is it really hurting the most? Us or them?

    Wise words from Sue when she said:

    “its better to concentrate on what we can do in life rather than what we cant .Some stuff doesnt seem just ,but you just have to make the best of it and get on with it”

    It’s damned hard to do sometimes, but it’s the best way.

    Good luck,

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Benefits

    Basically we all knew this was coming, irrespective of which government is in was Labour that decided to scrap Incapacity Benefit and move everyone onto Employment and Support Allowance.

    I can see this from both sides of the coin, we were on benefits for a while during the bad ol' days of Thatcher's rule..believe me if you think it's tough now, you should have tried being on benefits then.

    They would quite happily let you go hungry then, even a phone was considered a non-essential item.

    I have worked and struggled, two jobs to put food on the table. I also remember the resentment I felt when others were able to run a car and have holidays abroad while in receipt of benefits, no need to worry about rent, council tax or prescription cost because everything was paid.

    And before anyone jumps down my throat (it has happened before!) lets be honest now.

    The people that can afford to do the above and there are plenty of them, are on the fiddle. I'm going to be so brazen as to suggest that most of us on here know someone that is screwing the system and the trouble is we have to pay the consequences.

    On benefit papers it always says "the law says you need x amount of money to live on" and that means for things like food, bills, etc, it doesn't take into account anything else.

    I have got no time for this government (nor any other really) but put the blame where it belongs, at the feet of the greedy barstewards who have fraudulently claimed Incap for years.
    We will NEVER surrender comrade, remember always..actions speak louder than words!!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Benefits

    Piers, we used to live on £100 a week (my mum, myself and my sister - I was 5 and my sister was 3) and we survived. Sure, we didnt have much food, we couldn't use the heating or hot water all that much, we've never been abroad (holidays came from the Church), no fancy games consoles, clothes and toys and furniture from the social but it is possible to live that way! Our TV (a massive 1980s beast of a thing) used to break and my sister would stand on the table and hit it with a rolling pin to get it to work again!! Goodness me, we used to share baths as a family as we couldn't do it any other way!

    It is possible to have little money and be happy and healthy - my family are testament to that! Thankfully my mum now gets highest care DLA and so does my sister which REALLY helps, God only knows what my mum'll do if and when my sister leaves home as she'll be living on £100/£200 a month I think :(

    That aside though, have you thought about getting a job - forgive me if you can't. My mum plans to work once we know what's happening with my sister when she leaves school, mum's done a college course in caring and hopes to get a job again one day she takes seizures, anxiety and IBS, asthma, and anaemia lol but she does hope to work, I reckon one day she will !

    It IS difficult to get a job but there is stuff out there, see what you can find. You can also do a cash in hand job for a certain number of hours without losing your money, like cleaning houses or gardening for neighbours etc.

    Good luck! x
    Last edited by daisycake; 28-10-10 at 19:39.
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