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Thread: need help on medication!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    need help on medication!!

    i am in a rut!! i have been prescribed an antidepressant for chronic stomach pains, sounds weird i know!! but they use the old type ones for all areas of pain.
    Because of the pain i have experienced anxiety and worry!! usually when i go out the house (not all the time but sometimes)

    I feel stuck as i need help with my anxiety too!! can you take meds together?
    any ideas or knowledge on what i can do??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there. Sorry to hear you are not well. What is the medication that you have been prescribed?

    I get anxious and panicky when I am ill too - it seems to make things worse doesn't it?

    Some drugs can be taken together but obviously the doctor would have to decide on this.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    it is an old type anti-d called amitriptyline (or elavil is the brand name). The whole stomach thing has done nothing for my confidence!! even when i do feel ok



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Clairey:

    The Tricyclic Amitriptyline was the second anti-depressant put on the market, (Imipramine was the first). The accepted low dosage is 75 mg; the high dosage is 150 mg. There are people however who are on higher dosages than this. This particular drug is still one of the most effective anti-depressants prescribed today. Normally the higher dosage is prescribed for anxiety. Amitriptyline is prescribed for pain relief but this is rare. It is unlikely that your Doctor would prescribe another anti-depressant to be taken in conjunction with this drug; he would more than likely up the dosage of the Amitriptyline to a level where your anxiety improves. But as Nic has pointed out your Doctor would have to decide on this. It is not uncommon however to find Amytriptyline prescribed with beta-blockers in a dual approach to tackle particularly bad anxiety.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , .
    I was prescribed ami trip (as i came to fondly refer to it) lol! for muscle spasms and mild depression, and it's use for this is actually quite common.However, whilst on them I experienced anxiety problems which 'may' have been a side-effect of the drug. I also had problems with photophobia and social problems. I am still unsure as to whether these were side-effects.

    I have been prescribed other anti-deps which managed to sort out both pain and depression so I guess I would advise that you talk to your doctor and see what they can do.

    I have various health problems and I know what you mean pet. Sometimes I just can't cope with people and leaving the sancity of my house or my room! I am currently reading a very good book about chronic pain, and how to deal with any resulting anxiety. I can't remember the name right now *damn my memory* but I can find out for you if you'd like?


    If you see dark skies in my green eyes, it's just that I can't find no cover, these ghosts that haunt me, they get me when they want me, and some days are better than others.

    I didn't sleep last night, I guess that's the price,you pay for a soul this trouble, and curse or blessing, I'm here confessing, that some days are better than others.

    I have these moments of weakness, but I've had a lifetime of strength, and I know I will defeat this, but that's not what my heart wants to think.

    And even tomorrow, is tinged with sorrow, when one fool longs for another, this can't last forever, just like the weather, some days are better than others.

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