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Thread: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

    As far as I know, an ECG should show if someone has had an MI, as the damage that occurs in the heart will change the electrical waves that are produced on an ECG trace.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

    Well, heart worries where a very early manifestation of health anxiety for me and I had ECG's done on 5 seperate occasions with visits to my A&E (ho hum)

    I queried why I was having an ECG each time as I would have had only had one like 3 weeks before and I was told that this was because they gave a snapshot in time of the heart and what was going on at that moment ...that said, I was also reassured by being told, and as I have already stated, that a clear ECG statistically reduces that chance of other heart problems.

    I suppose that different GP's or experts will give different people different guidance and opinions but I think the important thing to remember is that a clear ECG is a good thing and that it is totally up to us to make sure we use it as just one element in reassuring ourselves that we are well rather than feeling that we have to have constant test results in order not to worry.
    Wake me up with your amphetamine blast
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    Rock me gently and send me dreaming of something tender
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

    The only part of your post Im disagreeing with is the info you gave about the diagnostic ability of an ECG.

    I have also had many, I do not suffer from HA but have had arrythmia in the past.

    Always best to check reputable sites for correct information I think.
    We will NEVER surrender comrade, remember always..actions speak louder than words!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

    Quote Originally Posted by ladybird64 View Post
    The only part of your post Im disagreeing with is the info you gave about the diagnostic ability of an ECG.

    I have also had many, I do not suffer from HA but have had arrythmia in the past.

    Always best to check reputable sites for correct information I think.
    Agreed, however that is easier said that done as you will find 101 conflicting answers.

    Yep, it is a dangerous game throwing around medical conjecture as fact and I make no claim to being an expert on medical matters...despite 4 years Google research into MND so I will gladly bow to superior knowledge on the matter, as I said I was only going by information given to me.

    Medical matters aside the only point I wanted to stress was that if we only rely on test results for our guarantee of wellbeing we are going to be in this for the long haul. I personally lost track of all the tests I had over my 4 year battle and various false positives told me I had lupus and auto immune hepatitis amongst other weird and wonderful things, none of this would have happened if I had not demanded medical tests that I did not require.

    I'm just offering up my experience as to what helped me recover and that was by moving away from ther realm of GP visits and a barrage of testing towards learning to retrust myself and my bodies abilty to look after itself.
    Wake me up with your amphetamine blast
    Take me by the collar and throw me out into the world
    Rock me gently and send me dreaming of something tender
    I was brought here to pay homage
    To the beat surrender

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

    daisycake - it really does sound as if your heart symptoms are anxiety - especially when you say you have had both since a child. my sister has a naturally fast heart rate - she wore a monitor for 24 hrs once but has never had any checks since and she can feel hers racing at night etc but because she is not an anxious person - she does not focus on it/worry about it.

    some people naturally feel dizzy after exercise - my sister in law often passes out so i think you are reading too much into every symptom and attibuting it to your heart.

    i get the missed beats/cough you describe - i should think everyone suffers them at some point. my heart also races sometime for no apparent reason. i agree with itoldyouiwasill regarding test results - an ecg would show up if anything was wrong with your heart so be reassured on that point but then you could have a normal result and then a few weeks later - if you got symptoms again - you could still convince yourself there was something wrong. this is why usually as one symptom has gone - another pops up in another part of the body!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: how to get my doctor to give me an ECG

    An ECG will pick up previous heart attacks/MI's and if there is an impaired functioning of the heart.

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