Hi everyone,

Im new in this forum. And new to panick attacks, I did not know as well that I suffered from anxiaty, but yes I believe that Im always in a hurry even if I do not have to, I canot wait for people and even sometimes Im not good with myself. Im studying a PhD here in UK (Im from Mexico) and a month ago I had my first panic attack. I did not know that it was a panick attack so we call NHS I was very frightened. It was 5am I awoke and I could not get back to sleep, sudenly I started to feel that I could not breath, I felt that I was dying. Then the last week I had other two panick attacks and I have been very bad since then. I have cried, I have nauseas, Im all the time thinking in my breathing, I have been very down and I just do not want to do anything. The GP sent me Citalopram 20mg I started it today morning and Im very scared.