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Thread: Flashbacks and Panic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , Canada.

    Flashbacks and Panic

    Hey everyone...
    I just experienced a wicked bad flashback that was really really unpleasant to say the least.
    I was watching Cold Case Files, which is one of my favorite shows to watch when a case came on about a woman who was found murdered. She had receieved major head trauma, and if any of you have seen the show you would know that they show graphic crime scene photos. In the photo you could see her one side of her face was all swollen and bruised and it triggered a flashback to my abuse. I was in an abusive relationship, around 10 years ago, and in the end I was beaten very very badly...I don't even know why I didn't go head must have been hit against the wall at least 50 times and I was kicked around my apartmetn like a rag doll. Anyways...when this happened it was mostly to one side of my face, and just when he was going to hit me with a hot iron, my roomate grabbed his arm and stopped him...if she didn't stop him i might have died..or at least had sustained major brain damage and be disfigured for life. Anyways...I got a wicked flashback of that part of him banging my head and her stopping him with the iron, and when I came back to...which was only a few seconds I looked over at my photos of my cousins I love so much, and began to cry thinking that if he had killed me I would never have knowne them....nor would I have ever fullfilled one of my dreams of writing a novel, nor would I have earned my diploma (and working on my second)...and even though I have gone through hell I have found much meaning in my I would never have met my boyfriend I have now that is so understanding and loving. I was crying so much. I was just very emotional, then a bit of panic set in....and I grabbed my clonazapam....and I am almost out. But my chest feels like it is going to cave in and my eyes keep swelling up with tears.
    I know that I have post traumatic stress from that experience and my panic disorder is part of that. I don't get these flashbacks much anymore...and they are different from memories....they are not the same....and they are very stressful on my body and my mind.
    Does anyone else experience this, or have experienced this?
    I know I am not the only one. I hate these flashbacks....and I hate the emotions I feel that I felt then happen again...and I hate the panic and anxiety that follows. I wish it would stop. I am studying to be a counsellor myself, and I guess it bothers me that these things happen...I want to be strong for my future clients.
    I hardly get these flashbacks was very scary to experience it again....and to have some panic follow...I wish it would go away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Sorry to hear what you went through.

    I don't have flashbacks but can imagine how horrible it is.

    I found this other post for you as well...



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Blondeangel

    Sorry to hear about what you've experienced and the associated flashbacks. I used to have these myself and so do understand how terrifying they can be.

    I would recommend the Rewind Technique that Nigel mentioned. I had this treatment myself and found it very helpful. I have not had a flashback in months and whereas I used to experience very frequent nightmares, these only happen occasionally now.

    I hope you are able to get some help with this.


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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    What you went through must have being so distressing and it is no wonder you get flash backs when watching something that will trigger all your emotions. You are brave in yourself for watching progammes like that as i know many of people who wouldnt. That spells out to me determination on your part to move on. You are a strong person and i am thinking about you hun.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

    "Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , Canada.
    thank you everyone... sound like you have some background in I do somwhat..that is what struck me the most with your post. /Flashbacks really SUCK, and I rarely get them anymore...and it was sacry to get it. i love to watch shows about murder cases that have been solved and forensic i so interesting...and if any of you have seen cold case files they often show graphic murder scenes. Usually it doesn't effect me...but for some reason this one did. It is weird how certan things trigger things...I know part of it is from post traumatic stress...and I don't get them much anymore...but the one I got was scary...and it was even scarier not to have my meds.Flashbacks are awful...all of the emotions and feelings from the past resurface...and I hate it...I don't want tha a$$hole having any control over me anymore.
    I went for my first counselling session today....i thought I could get over it pretty I am am going to college to be a child/youth it was hard. But i realised that I neeed to deal with my issues before I deal with others. I hve major issues in the past of rape, abus, torture and self harm....I need to get ove them to go on.
    Thanks for all for replying...last night was a rough night for me.

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