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Thread: I have bad bad bad anxiety help!

  1. #1

    I have bad bad bad anxiety help!

    Hi here people my names derek. I have been suffering anxiety/panic attacks from a young age they got worse when i was 16 i am now 23 and they are now getting out of control i ant hold down a job because of it if i go to drive my car any where now i need to stop at the side of the road as i feel my chest is tight i cant breathe mot enough oxygen in to my lungs then i get dizzy and feel i am going to die at any moment then i need to make my self sick as i feel cloged up. This is really bad getting and it is destroying my life when i even drink alchol thats me for a week house bound cant leave or anxiety kicks in... I just want a normal life but i just feel it will never go a way and i dont see the point of living any more sometimes i think to my self i am better of dead because its killing me slowly and i am looeing my girlfriend through it,jobs,friends i need help or its an early grave for me these dotors dont help they want o give you tablets take this and you should be fine or go get some help of people that dont no what they are taling about breathe in through yer nose and relax you will be fine.. Its hard when yae cnat breathe and your hart is ready to explode and you have pins and needles on your hands n lips ... But i do calm down aventally then when i egt home i am fine .. I just dont no what to do any more any one get what i get ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hi dez_m_1

    A huge warm welcome to nmp.

    You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

    Best wishes

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: I have bad bad bad anxiety help!

    Hi Derek, welcome aboard.
    Many people feel like you, youre not alone.
    Please read the left hand column on panic and anxiety, a good place to start. x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: I have bad bad bad anxiety help!

    hi derek im 22 and have only had anxiety for 3 months but i feel like it has been longer have u tried and anti ds i started one 2 weeks ago n it has been up and down but i can feel myself comeing back and i am sure that in the next month i will be back to myself x

  5. #5

    Re: I have bad bad bad anxiety help!

    Do you know what, I know just how you feel! I had an anxiety attack today whilst taking my kids to an after school activity and I don't even know why I had one! Luckily this time nobody noticed well atleast I hope not. I had to run outside because my heart was racing soooo fast I thought I was going to stop breathing, I was shaking like a leaf. The thought of going back inside terrified me but I had to because of the kids. In some way confronting it no matter how hard is the best. I went back inside and just clenched my fists so hard. I know it's easier said then done because now when I go back next week the same will happen again, you relate it to situations that you've had these attacks and in the end you feel like you can't go anywhere. I do however beleive that we go through periods in life when things get easier and sometimes harder. I'm going through a really bad patch and these panic attacks are getting worse but I have to beat it and so can you!!!!!!! Oh, and apparantly those who suffer panic attacks are usually really clever people, wer'e just too sensitive.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: I have bad bad bad anxiety help!

    Derek, have you read any Dr Claire Weekes books, shes been a bestseller for 20 years now, Id recommend her x

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