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Thread: Someone help me!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Someone help me!!!


    Im newt and this is the first time ive found the strength to talk about my phobias. Im shaking just writting this it scares me so much. I have a phobia of eating in front of people, Writting in front of people, talking in front of people and anything that involves me approaching or drawing attention to myself in front of people.
    I had an awful day today because I had to cross a crowded room to get to the exit which meant people would watch me walking across the room. Restaurants are also a nightmare I couldnt order anything from the waiter because that would involve tailking to him. Its scares me that people will judge me on what I eat and how I eat therefor I can not eat in public.

    I cant say anymore because Im starting to panic thinking about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    I have a simular thing to u, i h8 speaches and singing and acting, thats all i h8 but i don't mind eating etc.

    there r a few peeps who suffer the same and may be able to help u


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Newt, sorry to hear youve had a brough day

    i can relate to some of the feeling you express i too find it hard to do things in front of people, especially about eating in front of people, id rather go hungry than eat, the only exception is if everyone else is eating and then imm limited as to whether i feel confortable enough to eat infront of them.
    When im walking round i find that it helkps to say in my head, its ok no ones going to judge me just stand tall and walk proud, theyre not talking or laughing about you. Positive reassurances do help a little

    Take care


    Positive thinking is the key to success!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Ive just read some of your messages. Thankyou. I had to pluck up the courage to come back and read the messages coz im finding really difficult to talk about it, ive only just stopped shaking. The thought of it is enough to set me to panicing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    At least you are safe her cos you can type when you feel like it and not pressurised into it.

    Please keep coming back won't you?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Yeah of course I will. It has already helped me alot to finally say something about it. People who Im close to are aware of it but I dont feel they can understand how it affects me. Today has just been a long time coming. Ive always known that Ive had these phobias but finding out a name for what ive got is like a huge weight of my shoulders.
    I dont know quite how to say what I want to so if it comes out wrong forgive me.
    I know longer feel like the girl who needs to suffer in silence. Ive never been able to say why I am like I am. Still cant but know I can say I suffer with this and if you dont like it then tough.

    Or is that wrong?

    Confused (whats new)

    Newt xxx

  7. #7
    I understand what its like to have a fobia; I myself have a dibilitating fobia If your curious read the HODOPHOBIA topic.
    Anyway , what you have is called social axiety disorder this is a very common disorder that effects millions of people. Not that I think its a good thing but it is a good thing for you that it is so common because it is easy to get help for it!
    Alot of the disorder is caused by depression, depression does not have to have an external cause. It can be internal.
    So i dont mean in anyway to scare you but I would suggest seeing a doctor and getting some zoloft or something along those lines. dont worry about a visit with the doctor . I know hes a stranger but one little visit could do you alot of good!

    AnyWay good luck!

  8. #8
    Newt ,
    Havent heard from yah!
    So how yah doin?

  9. #9
    Hey newt,
    Why wont you answer you friggin *****! ,
    Nah just kiddin .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Try emailing - click on the name "newt" and you can email from there.

    Maybe an idea anyway.


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