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Thread: Need HELP BADLY!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Need HELP BADLY!!!!

    OK its suddenly hiting me hard again, all the symptoms i get i think im dying with, my mouth ulcer is mouth cancer, my tensed eyes is a brain tumour and that causes my lightheadedness, my nauseusness is stomach cancer, heartburn is something wrong with my heart.

    i cant go on living lie this. when i wake up in the morning in just wanna sleep again because i feel so terrible and know i shouldnt feel this way.
    i mean answer me this question.

    How is it right to wake up everday feeling lighteheaded out of breathe and weak like you cant carry on and this not be diagnosed as something because surely its not fair to be living this way.

    my doc did blod tests and said i was fine everything was great but NO i said because THERE HAS to be something wrong with me, whenever i come to you with the flu or stomach aches u give me antibiotics WHY NOT this time.

    My family are always asking me to go out for the night with them to chill and forget everything but i just think to myself ITS EASY FOR YOU TO SAY CAUSE YOU DONT FEEL LIKE S**T but i really wanna go out and enjoy myself and get the thoughts out my head that im not gonna soon die.

    Even when i dont feel anxiuos and im out and have a few drinks down me i still feel a bit lightheaded but not as much i do feel more confident after a drink, so why if im not thinking about it do i still experience symptoms? i just want someone ANYONE to reply to me and say KATY IM THE SAME AS YOU, U ARE NOT ALONE

    im crying righ now and feel so scared please help me.

    Do you think my family doc of 11 years is right and one day my natural self will comeback but it takes time?

    sorry to go on but someone please reply

    thanks guys xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I felt like this for many years and had no help atall as panic was not as well researched then.

    I used to sit and work feeling rubbish, would go to the loos and cry then back to my desk again, then go home and lay on the settee all night. I would sleep all weekend and not go out, then back to work to do it all again.

    Had I known then how things can be improved quite easily I would have been over-joyed.

    You need to start with the basics and they WILL help you trust me.

    Relaxation CD's, practise breathing, get some Complex vitamin B, regular eating, regular exercise, rescue remedy and so on.

    Make small changes each day and you will notice a difference trust me.

    I had the dizziness every day for over 3 years, the DP and DR, the panic attacks. I then decided to take control of my life again and not let it beat me and you can do this too - I know that you can.

    It won't go away on its own though I am afraid. It is hard work to conquer it and you have a big fight on your hands but I did it and you can too. I have great faith in you.

    Chin up ok and try to start making those small changes as from tomorrow ok?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Katy

    You are not alone, I am going through just as you are and I agree it gets you down, Today I honestly throught it was a stroke, my arm went dead, fingers spread out and I thought I would collapse - Of course I didnt and neither will you, we need to take on board the advise and we WILL beat this!

    Any time you are feeling down or want a chat please send me a PM,

    Take Care

    Wendy xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks everyone for replying to my message Nicola i will def try what u say but right now i feel as if im the only one and no on understands but i promise i wil do what you say cause i need to turn something around


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hello! i am hardly one to talk as going through rough patch but i have been up and down and been as bad as you feel!
    belive me! my physical symptoms were so bad i thought id had a stroke! i had slurred speech! more io found out more i felt better xxxx


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    you could be me katy and i have improved but having bad evening due to being in alone and feeling poorly for over a week, weak legs must be ms or motor neurone trapped wind ooh heart attack sore throat probably cancer light head stroke or brain tumour blood clot etc if it wasnt so frightening it would be funny
    see you are not the only one am here if you need me
    we can beat it it takes time and hard work

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Katy

    You are definitley not alone. I know exactly how you feel, even if it's hard to believe. I know it's difficult to truly believe that others feel the same way but believing does make things a little easier. For the past year I have had all of your symptoms and more. I have spent the whole day today believing I have brain tumor/MS. For the past few weeks my legs and arms have been so weak I feel as though they won't move (but they do). I am breathless, I have blurred vision and a numb right foot!!!! The joys of aniexty. I spend each day believing I am going to die of a terminal illness. I can't offer anything to make you feel better other than reassurance that your not alone. I hope you will take some comfort from everybodies replys and I hope you feel a little stronger.

    Take care

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    You are not alone, only this evening I got scared that my numb arms and feet indicates a stroke, and my pre-menstrual breast pain is breast cancer. Remember I told you about that Claire Weekes book I got off ebay? I have finished it and its excellent, so please get one if you havent already. I know it will take me some time to accept everything she says in it, as I wont change after just reading it once, but I will persevere with it. God Bless you Katy

    Anxiety Is Evil

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Katy you are not alone ,you know how bad i am ... and the symtoms i get is great... please dont , or at least try not to get your self so upset ..i really know how you feel sweetheart ..i truley do in every sense of the word.
    Katy i dont know what the hell is going on with me, but i tell you ... i went to town,of which i hate and got myself a relaxtion cd and have been listening to this with breathing exercise,it ant happening yet ... but i wont give up, imay be very weak... but you see how many people are on here, i tell you...its a shame molly(marcia) isnt here she has had about every symtom any one has had...poor girl.

    Dont cry that touches my heart

    ash x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Katy

    I could of written your post, its exactly how I am too.

    I want to get through one day without thinking i have a serious condition.
    I want to have a headache and not assume its a brain tumour etc

    mandie x

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