Hi All,

I feel like it's time for a new thread. Much of my progress so far has centred around my experiences with Citalopram. I now feel like I am on the right dose and that it's working well for me. My depression has lifted, my anxiety is no longer debilitating. I no longer have suicidal urges, I am actively building new relationships and repairing those I can.

That's all great, but now I have to do the really hard work. As I see it, I'm still very much ill, I just have a chemical mask that's screening me from the emotional pain and illness I've experienced. If I want truly to get better is to deal with the issues and ways of thinking that caused my problems in the first place. This is going to take some time, I have a lot of emotional healing to do, I have to learn more about who I am and why I think in the ways I do.

I have been seeing a psychotherapist weekly since May. Through our discussions it's become clear that my illness stems from a lot of pain and trauma in childhood. Now that I am more stable emotionally I need to start working through that pain and learning to care for the Little Chris inside who has suffered so much in the past. I'm only just getting to know him, he's a wonderful little chap.

I'm going to change my profile pic so you can meet him

Chris x