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Thread: antidepressants increased chance of hemoerages

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    antidepressants increased chance of hemoerages

    Hi, i noticed an article in the Daily Mail a week back saying doctors have found that people taking antidepressants SRI'S have an increased chance of hemoeragging which scared me quite abit-this has put me off carrying on with ciprimil as i am worried alot about dying/something happening to me-should i ignore this and carry on with them-Has anyone ever had anything serious happen to them due to taking anti-depressants?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I will look into this but please do not just stop taking the medication. You could get some bad side-effects and withdrawal symptoms.

    Please see your doctor but sometimes these scare-mongering claims only apply to a few specific drugs.

    I remember years ago when I was taking an anti-histamine for hayfever (trying to think of the name now ....) and it was found that there was an interaction with grapefruit and it killed some people.

    The drugs was withdrawn and I was thinking aggghhh I am taking it - but I am still here to tell the tale.

    So please don't panic just yet. Ask the doctor but DONT just stop taking it ok?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Maybe I won't look into it - lol.

    There are thousands of posts relating all sorts of medication to brain hemorrhages.

    I will let Meg add her comments if she has any.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Ive not heard of this anywhere else or on any health websites

    The lesson here is dont read the Daily Mail[}]It is well known for its scaremongering health stories.

    I saw a copy of it at work the other day and there was a two page article on how everyone that is off work due to anxiety or depression is a skiver and just wants to live off benefits. On top of that there was another article entitles - The Myth of Stress!

    A bit unenlightened.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    There have been two major studies reported on this with a flurry of other minor ones since 2001 so not really new news.

    The first (Spanish only one ) showed there might be a link - mainly in high risk or elderly.
    The more recent Canadian study showed that there was an elderly population at higher risk especially if they had previous upper GI illness, but didn't lok at the whole population.
    Otherwise the increased risk is thought to be similar to having taken non steroidals for a lengthy period.
    The risk is not thought to be significant enough to review people not falling into either of these catagories as the benefits long outweigh the potential tiny increase in risk of a slight GI bleed.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I'm afraid I'm behind Emily 300% on this one.

    My mum insists on reading this utter garbage, and believes anything and everything she reads in it.

    Everybody under the age of 30 is a drug using, granny beating hooligan, and all people claiming asylum are money grabbing spongers.

    I now believe the exact opposite of anything the daily mire says.

    Papers shouldn't be allowed to print rubbish - only provable facts.

    I feel so much better now I'm taking anti depressants that there is no way a stupid article in a newspaper will disuade me from taking them.

    However, some people could be caused an awful lot of angst and worry, and stop taking them, which would potentially be more harmful to their health.

    I remember a headline the other weekend about the "shocking trade in human hair". The paper was appaled cos some Russian girls grew their hair, had it bobbed short and sold it for export to be made in to hair extensions. Then they grew some more and repeated. It's hardly shocking in my eyes, and although its a shame the country is so poor, I can think of much worse ways to earn extra money!!!!


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have to admit, I hadn't heard of this one either.
    But give it a few weeks and they will change their minds about it.

    There is not a week goes by when some bright spark somewhere decides to contradict general opinion - If we took notice of all of these scares we would never eat, drink or do anything.

    Classic examples are:
    Butter is better for you than Marg, it has less additives.
    Marg is better for you than Butter as it contains less cholestrol.
    So what do we eat then - Butter or Marg ?

    Vaccinate your children with MMR, it will help prevent childhood diseses.
    Don't Vaccinate your children with MMR, it causes autism and bowel problems.
    Vaccinate your children with M, M and R separately because it is safe.
    Don't Vaccinate your children with M, M and R separately as it doesn't work.
    So do we vaccinate them or not and if we do, should it be with MMR or not?

    New born babies should sleep on their backs to reduce cot death.
    New born babies should sleep face down to reduce cot death.
    New born babies should sleep on their backs to reduce cot death.
    So is it back or front? Or should we just keep the child awake 24 hours a day?

    Rest after a heart attack and avoid excercise.
    Excercise regually after a heart attack.
    So which is it? Do we rest or not?

    People suffer greater injuries if they wear seat belts during an accident.
    Always wear a seat belt it will protect you from injury during an accident.
    So we wear a seat belt now, do we !

    You see you can't do right for doing wrong! Someone out there always knows better!
    There is always something we should stop doing and then someone changes their minds and tells us to start doing it again.

    I think if you are really worried about the medication you are taking, you should ask your doctor. If there really is a problem with it, they will be the first to know.

    Love, light and Best wishes
    Liz xxx

    [] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

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