Thank you Holly. I know I've posted the following before but perhaps it applies to everyone on this site because if it wasn't for others suffering the same their would be no one who would understand and then we really would be alone.

She wore a green dress and her eyes were blue,
Someone would speak but she knew not who,
For her mind was confused in a hazy hue,
Like looking through droplets of a morning dew,

Images would appear, strange thoughts would flow,
From where they came she did not know,
She wished she could think clear as a winters snow,
But all she could feel was a constant low,

No one would listen, no one knew how,
But she needed help and she needed it now!
She was in such turmoil and surrounded by fear,
She was afraid to talk, for what people might think,
And her eyes would shed a lonely tear,

But help Was there,
Though she knew not from where,
She talked, they listened, they cared,
They were the only ones who understood and dared!