Hi I know my post is a medication one but i hope its okay for it to stay on this site as its read more than the meds one.My GP yesterday changed one of my meds to Quetiapinea aka Seroquel,its to replace my Diazpam,well i took one today 25mg after an hour i was in Morrisons talking to a family friend then the next thing i knew was i thought i was going to die on the spot..the ringing in my ears/sweating/heart racing/thought i was going to have a heart attack i really did,she knew by looking at me so did one of the workers he looked over and shouted "do you need a first aider" he knew by the colour of me..i got sat down and was given a cup of water..a few mins later i was more with it again..wow that was one scary fright..can anyone help me? do you think it was the new tablet? im not taking one again,thank goodness i wasnt driving as i would of crashed.