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Thread: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    I am in a right old pickle and have made an appointment to see the doc on Wednesday this week.

    Does anyone else, who is perimenopausal, suffer from really bad aches and pains in their joints, particularly hips and generalised aches and pains round the top of your leg and into pelvic region on one side and then rib area on the other side.

    I am so worried that I have something majorly wrong with me that I am going insane with fear.

    I also am suffering from feast or famine in the toilet department, wind and stomach pain.

    All in all feeling like poo!

    Anyone ever felt similar??????????????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    I did lol .When I went to the Dr she sent me for a back xray ..It showed worn discs .Joint pains are common in a lot of women as they reach the menopause .I was sent for Psyiotherapy ..The toilet probs sound like IBS ..I have bouts of this too ..Buscopan and a diet rich in fruit and veg helps .Usually flares up when ive been stressed or eaten something I shouldnt ..Certain foods trigger it .Hope you get on ok the Dr ..luv Sue x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    Hi I'm forty nine so do I count as being peri-menopausal? I don't suffer from the joint pain but I am sure there are those here who do. As far as the bowel department is concerned I do suffer from a lot of wind as well as excruciating pain sometimes. anxiety does not help. Peppermint is good either tea or the capsules.I also take agnus castus and evening primrose to help with the breast tenderness and grumpiness. Good for the tenderness not so sure about grumpiness. Mostly I try to ignore it and deal with it either with fybogel and immodium for when food is straight in and out. I'm far more windy as I have got older. I'm stepping up my swimming. At least no-body can hear if I'm windy in the water! It is hard sometimes whether to blame this type of thing on the menopause though. Good luck at the doctors.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    Thanks guys - the bowel issues have been pretty ongoing and the doc has said IBS in the past - just when I am feeling anxious it manages to become either bowel cancer or ovarian cancer (especially with the hip and pelvic pain!).

    I am a great fan of peppermint tea and also green tea - can't remember the last time I drank tea with caffeine in 'cos it started to give me headaches! I still persecute myself every so often with a nice cappucino (gets me everytime with the milk and the caffeine - still it is worth it in the short term HA! )

    It really is just these aches and pains that are getting me down - and forgot to mention also seem to be bruising really easily (this used to happen when I was on my periods when I was younger).


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    Perimenopause causes all sorts of crappy problems - and the bad news is that it can go on for years, and it will continue into the menopause. I think I've had various peri symptoms for about 8 years now.

    The good news is that it's not serious - hurrah! It is a pain in the bum though, and you can get all sorts of aches and pains, worsening of pre-existing conditions (e.g. migraine, IBS, joint problems), anxiety, palpitations and many more.

    ElizabethJane - yes, 49 can still count as peri; the time it starts is different for everyone and can be as early as late 30s, depending on how your body clocks are set up. Time of menopause can have a hereditary component (my mother was 44, so I was aware that I could have a slightly early menopause as well), and can also be affected by smoking, which is supposed to knock 3-4 years off your fertility.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    I remember my mum telling me she was having this trouble,went on for a while i'm afraid but she is fine now.

    Hope your ok.



  7. #7

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    Im struggling too at the moment i had not seen a monthly for almost a year had a very bad anxiety attack and hey presto a really heavy period followed same night. i was devastated as ive been going through the menopause for at least 7 years :( was hoping it was finally over. Had to go onto antidepressant although im not depressed just a bit anxious & panicky still have a good laugh with my partner so im sure its the menopause any ideas???? xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    Thanks guys - joy to the world - 8 years OMG I will be truly insane by then!!!!

    The worst of it all is the aches and pains I feel like an old woman - still better stop feeling sorry for myself and get doing some exercise - boost the old serotonins and stave off the osteoporosis.

    Hey Angelina - did you see your doc about the return of the period? Have you had one since - I thought they had gone if you hadn't had a period for a year - must be mistaken. Oh the joys.......................


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    In a right old mess again - Dr Google is persecuting me - have had bad stomach (chronic IBS has been suggested) but nasty pains down along my pelvis too and feeling really out of sorts with myself - going to docs on Thursday and will have to ask for some help.

    Don't want to die of cancer :(

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Can the perimenopause really cause all this?

    Hi Macc noodle.. just make sure when you go to the docs that they don't fob you off without doing some tests. You really do need to put your mind at rest. I was told outright by my gp that it looked like I might have bowel cancer but tests came back negative so then I could accept that it was IBS. This made sense as I'd switched to a 'healthy' diet of wholemeal bread and lots of fruit and veg. It actually GAVE me IBS, I couldn't cope with all the fibre. You have to learn by trial and error what diet works for you. I avoid roughage now and have been fine for a long time now. I'm 53 and menopausal, aches and pains are normal but usually in the joints. Good luck, T x

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