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Thread: Poetry

  1. #1


    I have heard from my key worked that if u are one who likes to write, definitely me if u have seen the length of my posts, but writing poetry or short stories etc is a gr8 help for depression and anxiety. It supposedly makes your brain concentrate on the creativity and you are able to express your feelings in words.
    I only found out about this yesterday, so havent had a chance to do anything yet, but I was wondering if anyone else had heard this. There is a class just down the road at the Manx Museum for writing to help anxiety, but because I am agoraphobic the thought of going is just enough to start a panic attack, but if I had some positive feed back about it and I could get someone to come with me, it could well be an excellent help for me and enough to be able to get me there.
    So anyone do this to help them, if so, can you let me know so I can maybe see if I can get to the class. Obviously I can write at home anyway, but maybe the fact I am amongst people once I can get used to it will be a help for me.

    Looking forward to replies
    Suzi xxx
    When I am having a bad day I reflect on everything I am grateful for
    Doesnt always work, but it sounds good LOL
    Greetings from the Isle of Man

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Poetry

    Hi There,

  3. #3

    Re: Poetry

    I have always found writing to be theraputic and it played a big part in analysing my childhood in terms of Aspergers. It's a great way to look into your own mind safely (for me). just start at home if you don't want to venture out yet. I write about anything and everything, recipes, dreams, stories, quotations ideas and thoughts.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Poetry

    My poem.

    Nobody likes me....everybody hates me, think Im gonna eat some worms......
    Fat ones, skinny ones, tall ones, slimey ones....see them wriggle and squirm.....
    Bite their heads off.....slurp....all the juice up, throw their skins away............
    Nobody knows how much I love those worms, three times a day......

    Gross! I remember singing this in junior school.....must have been 1979....funny what you remember!

    Paula x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Poetry

    yeh poetry is a huge help for me , i post on Bill whose on here alot also writes alot and is very talented. It definatly helps calm you down when u need to focus or relax. I would reccomend it to anyone
    No one ever tells you that forever feels like home. Sitting all alone inside your head...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Poetry

    Well, I couldn't resist replying to a poetry thread, could I Munkey?!

    Poetry certainly helped me through my very bad phase. I'm not too sure how the poems actually started but I can remember that often a line or 2 would come to mind and I'd feel compelled to write them down from which the words just flowed. It almost felt like a release as if I was letting out feelings that were causing me to feel anxious or sad.

    I was staying with my OH at a hotel specifically for mental health sufferers when one day we noticed a young woman sitting alone looking so tearful and very sad. It almost hurt to see her suffering so much although I never actually found out why she was so low. As I glanced at her though, a beginning of a poem came to mind. I wrote it down and just thought about this poor girl and as I thought about her, a poem came into being. I then decided to take a chance by giving it to her in the hope it would help her smile. The next day we went on an outing on a boat up an estuary so I took the opportunity to present it to her. After reading it, she started crying and I thought oh no, I've upset her even more but she then turned to me and said that it had made her feel happier because no one had written her a poem before. I don't know what happened to her after that but at least poetry made her smile for a moment that day.

    Poetry not only helps the sufferer. It can also help others feel better too so after my bad spell I decided to try and share my poems with more people in he hope that they too would find a smile.

    This was the poem I wrote for that poor young woman. I so much hope she recovered....


    She wore a green dress and her eyes were blue,
    Someone would speak but she knew not who,
    For her mind was confused in a hazy hue,
    Like looking through droplets of a morning dew,

    Images would appear, strange thoughts would flow,
    From where they came she did not know,
    She wished she could think clear as a winters snow,
    But all she could feel was a constant low,

    No one would listen, no one knew how,
    But she needed help and she needed it now!
    She was in such turmoil and surrounded by fear,
    She was afraid to talk, for what people might think,
    And her eyes would shed a lonely tear,

    But help Was there,
    Though she knew not from where,
    She talked, they listened, they cared,
    They were the only ones who understood, and dared!

    And Munkey, don't forget to apply those words to YOU....Miss."Very Talented!"

  7. #7

    Re: Poetry

    I definitely believe this is true and have written poetry for as long as I can remember, kind of a chicken and egg thing - I don't know what came first, the depression and anxiety or the writing, both started in my teens and both continue today! It certainly helps to be able to channel your emotions and fears into something creative. I find that using the negative energy to be creative rather than destructive helps me to see things in a different light.
    I think the statistics on this kind of thing speak for themselves, many great artists/writers/actors suffer with depression and other mental illness, makes you wonder, what comes first? Are depressive people more artistic or are artistic people more depressive?!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Poetry

    Heres one my mum wrote. God she was funny and I miss her so x


    Im spending my well earned retirement
    Not on cruising, or leisurely breaks...
    On no not me, for Im still slaving...
    In my kitchen, baking cakes

    Now these cakes arent what youre thinking
    No dainties to treat my old man
    These beauties come five tiers high love
    Six if i possibly can!

    How I wish we could really retire
    Go on hols at the drop of a hat.....
    But thats not our way my Der will say..
    The cakes and dogs will see to that

    So as for my well earned retirement.?
    I feel I am having it rough
    Cos its CAKE everyday.
    and I really must say........
    I cant even stomach the stuff!
    Last edited by paula lynne; 13-05-11 at 18:16.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Poetry

    LOSING IT! by Pam Willis

    I lost my virginity, one fine day
    Well......I didnt exactly lose it....I sort of..gave it away

    Then one day recently my sister said to me
    Lets go and look for your virginity!

    But though we searched both high and low
    We couldnt find it there..
    But now Ive lost me libido..
    So now i dont really care!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Poetry

    Depression by my mum Pam. This is a little hard to read, just found it.

    I think Ive got depression
    and I know the reason why.
    The trouble with depression is,
    How much you have to cry

    I cry first thing in the morning
    I cry last thing at night
    I cry sometimes everyday
    Even when things are going right.

    I cant be bothered to wash my hair
    Or even clean my teeth
    But I do enjoy a nice hot bath
    And could lie there for a week!

    Ive lost my sense of humour
    Ive forgotten how to smile
    Im just a bag of painful bones
    A belly full of bile...

    Depression? Yes, I know you well
    Im a crying selfish wreck
    But Im sure I could learn to smile again
    Please God-stop this pain in my neck.....

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