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Thread: WHY ME????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    WHY ME????

    Guys i cant tell u how scared i feel, everyday i wake up with a feeling of hot flush, i then get up and wanna lie back down again because i feel i will collapse, i then try eat and feel sick when i do, i walk around feeling like im bumping into people when actually i aint. Living with constant unsteadyness and lightheadedness aint nice i feel like im on a boat with the motion sickness, il have days without a fluster or panic but still to this day 7-8 months down the line i feel lightheaded. I dont want a brain tumour i dont want cancer i dont want to end up suddenly in hospital where ive collapsed being out and im in trouble. everytime im out i think i wonder if il make it home ive litterally gotta pass out BECAUSE THIS IS HOW I FEEL im not beliveing people when they say its all part of it and it will eventually go, as i write this i can feel myself going like eevrything is in slow motion.

    sometimes it comforts me to write so this is why i have been so much lately

    thanks for reading x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Katy ya silly dont matter how many times that you post here,thats why its here, so we can express ourselfs and others can listen and post a reply to help you..feel easyier at this awful time in ya life love.. and it is awful we all know we have all been there and most of us still are.
    You are having a big battle with this as your not excepting this is anxiety, and that is what is feeding your anxiety even more love..i cant say much because i find it hard to except at times too, although i have more so latley really.
    Really gal, you have no serious illness.. i promise.. i am not lying to you katy..if there was anything wrong with you, your doctor wouldof picked up on this by now,i am telling you..please try and belive me..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    hey katy, i know this is so hard but it is all anxiety. have you read claires " nomorepanics" section in the " welcome to nomorepanic "section. it gives a l;ong list of "common posts that we all have written about. it has almost everything there along with the " lightheadedness and derealisation that you are obviously suffering from

    i hope this helps. believe me katy i know how hard it is to believe this is all anxiety but we have been told many times that it is


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