Lately my neck has been bothering me. I feel like there is a lump or knot behind my head when I lean it backwards although to the touch it feels ok except for a few rolls of flesh. It really seems to bother me a lot but I can't really find anything out of place. The weather has been rainy and hot and then cold and I'm not sure this Huss anything to do with this or the rest of my symptoms.

Lately I have been experincing a lot of what seems to be muscle cramps under my arms , back and side just from pulling on a water hose a little one day. My legs have been getting pains all over them mostly in the fronts of them, also my knees pop and feel as though they are going to fall out from under me at times. I really hat the muscle cramps and th thing with my neck... Is this pretty normal for a 56 year old. I mean is this something I can look forward to as I get even older? Anyone that experiences these things please sound in here so I'll know it's pretty normal.Thanks