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Thread: Breast Clinic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Breast Clinic

    I posted on here awhile ago re my breast 'lump' .. I have now had my 2nd GP appt and have today been referred to breast clinic. I have an appt on Tuesday thank god so not too long a wait - though seems like forever!

    As you can imagine I am thinking the absolute worst even though GP was fairly confident it was just 'grissle' ... sorry to ask again, but anyone got any words of comfort / similar experiences with happy endings?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Breast Clinic


    4 years ago on 24th January, i found to my horror a lump on my left breast, small hardish lump, i was petrified, i went to my gp immediately and hel poked and prodded, and said it was possibly hormonal, and i should see how it goes after monthly cycle etc, being anxious i could not settle nor keep hands from it as was desperate to see if it was getting bigger or smaller, it got to the point over that weekend that i had touched it so much i had bruised the skin, i went to gp's another 3 times and each time i was told to leave off touching it as was making it worse and that it was a fatty deposit of grissle but to them who see them all time was nothing to worry about, i decided i had to leave it alone and made hubby check it once a week, eventually after a couple of months or maybe more it disappeared, and whatever it was i have no idea but it seemed to disperse back into my body like i had been told.

    I know how worried u must be as even without anxiety its worrying, but i would take comfort from the fact doctors see such lumps almost daily and they dont seem to concerned and have sent you to the breast clinic for your peace of mind. will be thinking of u on tuesday
    take care
    kate x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Breast Clinic

    9 out of ten lumps are nothing to worry about .Ive had three ,two were cysts and the other was a blocked milk duct .Try to be positive and good luck with your appointment .luv Sue x

  4. #4

    Re: Breast Clinic

    Janeey I have posted a reply about my experience of breast clinics which may help.It is on my original thread "breast fears" that you were kind enough to reply to xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Breast Clinic

    Hi Janey,
    It was a breast lump that started my HA (that and having my daughter I think). I had been to drs before with breast pain, possible lump before and told it was nothing and then I went this particular occasion and he said thought nothing but would refer me just in case. I heard that as something totally different and was in an awful state. I had mammogram and ultrasound and was told just lumpy breast tissue. That was 7 years back.

    They have to check things out just in case (mother-in-law had routine mammogram and was called back which she found terrifying - they were just double checking as images had changed slightly since previous one) but with both of us it was nothing. My mum also had cyst years back - all innocent.

    I am sure you will be fine, and your mind will be put at rest - let us know how you get on.

    Flump xx

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