Hi, I was the same, last year they tested me for physical, I wasnt allowed a home visit so I had to go, cost me 40 quid taxi, lucky I got money back, I scored 6 points and they stopped benefits, my doctor wasnt happy, I didnt appeal, but I applied in march and got letter saying not entitled plus they still sent a medical assesmant form, when rang they said I got to go to this first, also still got letters saying they want a sick note or my benefits will be stopped, er beneffits? I aint getting any. They useless
Last time I got money months before the medical, I have to live rent free at home and my mum pays muy phone bill and stuff,
Im gonna appeal if I fail this medical, I can't go places with out my diazepam which I don't take often,
Just wish I could go out without having anxiety and go back work,
Also like you they told me to sign on, how can I when my anxiety stops me from doing things,