
I'm currently on 150mgs Trazodone (was on 100 and told to up if i didn't notice any help) and 30mgs Mirtazipine.

My GP told me that the Trazodone is to help with sleep and Mirtazipine is what helps sedate you through the day.

I've also been told conflicting advice on what dose Mirt does for you (15mgs ideal for anxiety, anything higher is intended for depression)

ANYway on my current medication i have no trouble getting to sleep, within the hour i'm off, i do notice i endure more REM sleep which is meant to be bad for you. It's the awake side of things i'm not doing too great on, still having anxious days with attacks imminent when travelling.

Just seeing if anyone else is on both of these meds together and how you get on with them. I'm having a rough time still and everytime i go to the doctors surgery i'm always seen by a different GP with conflicting advice on what i should be taking! so annoying!