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Thread: Medication free - your experience's please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Medication free - your experience's please!

    Hello all - as the majority of you are proabably aware, if you have read my postings, I decided, 12 months ago, to start taking Cipramil (20mg first, then 10mg). I opted to stop taking this medication about one month ago, and after a slow, gradual, process, I am 'on my own', so to speak, no more tablet's.

    Whilst I am a little nervy - I am luckily feeling very well! Just wondered whether anyone is/has been in a similar boat.

    Take care all

    Jo xxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello jo....

    I want to come off my tablets but am slightly aprehensive to what will happen or if my panic attacks will come back if i come off medication. Im only taking 40mg of propranolol ( Beta Blockers) once a day first thing in the morning ( well first thing if my mind is not pre occupied and forget to take them straight away). This is a low dosage, but enough to help me through the day. Taking these tablets has allowed me to get my life going again and help me to gain confidence each day. I can even go to the pub and have a pint or two in the evening and go watch football without having a PA. But i still get "moments" of panic or fear, nothing that lasts for too long. If you start the cycle of fear or the what ifs, it just gets worse, so i try and keep my mind occupied and get on with it and not run away from any situation.

    Im glad you are "medication" free jo and coping well... keep it up.....

    Robert Flyde

  3. #3
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Robert - although I haven't had a fully blown panic attack for about 6-7months, I still get those "moments", you refer too. When this happens, I know I have to do some breathing exercises, as it will, more than likely, develop into a panic attack.

    Thanks for your reply Robert

    Take care

    Jo xx

  4. #4
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    I stopped all medication 5 years ago. The last thing I was on was Prozac. I decided that I had to go this alone and sort it out without drugs.

    The first few weeks were hard but I have not gone back since - I never wanted to spend my life on drugs so I chose to stop it. The side effects may be short-lived so it is worth it to get free of drugs!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jo
    Same here gave the drug thing a bash for about two years, some anti depressant or other. The up side was that the PAs stopped more or less during this time. I haven’t really had much PAs since, when I came off them about two years ago what I was left with was intense anxiety, which I've been able to keep control of to a degree. This was not a result of the drugs, I believe it was more to do with changing my life style and avoiding things I know will set it off. I guess I traded the drugs for a more restricted lifestyle.

    For the last 5 months I've been doing a lot of meditation. Its very slow and bumpy, two steps forward, one step back, but I've felt some big changes and the direction is right so I'm going to keep with it, how long its going to take I have no idea, but its natural and its free. The logic I'm using is that what I have is a racing mind and the opposite of this is to still the mind, and hopefully eventually this will flow into my whole day. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me out of all this senselessness.


  6. #6
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jo / Robert
    Just read my mail and it sounds awful, far too negative.
    I would like to make one point about my own experience. I believe drugs are great for getting you through a very bad patch, the time on them should be used to sort out as much as possible, they do nothing more than give you a bit of breathing space. I didn’t use my time on them wisely, instead I took on more pressures during that period because I could and I thought I’d cracked it, thought I’d left it behind me and I hadn’t. As soon as I started to drop my dose the anxiety picked up and by the time I’d finished with them, straight away I was hyped up and completely living on my nerves again.

    That’s where your experiences are different to my own, you’re feeling good off or coming off them and sounding positive, which I didn’t. I think your both great for giving it a lash and I wish you the best of luck.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I started coming off Seroxat in August of last year - I finally stopped taking then in January of this year - for the most part I have been okay - but lately I have started to feel anxious about my breathing, I cannot catch my breath even when in totally relaxed situations and even when I've had a couple of drinks - I'm going to the doctors which evening and it will be interesting to see if he tries to put me back on something!! blame it on the Panic Attacks (cant remember the last full blown one was)

    We must remember one thing if it give a better quality of life, then were is the harm. I wanted to come of Seroxat because of all the bad press and the fact my left hand shook constantly and it no longer benefited me, I dont think I'll ever be free of it, it's part of my life, but I intend to have a life too!!



  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks for your messages Robert, Nic, Peter and Shelley!

    Jo xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , .
    hi jo
    found it really hard too come off the tablets,like cold turkey,wanted too reach for them again august last year,but i said no do it on my own this time,its had going but been tablet free for 3years now,its the stress that family put on me that makes me panic

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Off the tablets and proud! *waves her banner* it's been..3 months now I guess.. and I'm not 'brilliant' but I'm enjoying the lack of sideeffects and feeling like ME again! I'm just trying to remember that there are good days and bad days.. and sticking with the old cliche 'one day at a time'

    Best of luck!

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