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Thread: SEVERE,panic attacks,agoraphobia,derealization

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.

    SEVERE,panic attacks,agoraphobia,derealization

    I am to the point I don’t know what to do anymore I’m scared of everything I’m scared to sneeze cause I cant breath I’m scared to cough cause I cant breath and I always have snot stuck in my throat and that scares the **** out of me cause I feel as though my throat is stopped up I woke up today and I had snot in my throat and felt I couldn’t breath so I had a severe panic attack cause of it and that made my breathing 1000 times worse plus I was scared out of my mind with overwhelming fear for my life cause I could not breath it was the most terrifying ever iv been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety and agoraphobia and derealization for about 5 years now and it has taken my life away I am 22 years old now and it seems that it has gotten worse and I just don’t know what to do I’m scared of almost everything now just little stupid things that I was never scared of and it eats and eats me away all day with constant fear and severe panic attacks and anxiety somebody just tell me if you you feel the same way? I mean I’m not talking about just somebody that has a little panic attack im talking about people that have been suffering for a long time to the point they have agoraphobia,derealization and severe panic attacks so if you think you can top that bring it on cause it sure would make me feel better if there where others like me …. thanks:(:([V]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi There

    You are most defo not alone with this and sure many others here will tell you the same!

    I am having a bad day and I hate it too, it is easy to get negative when we feel like this but we have to keep up the strenght and fight is (she says with emergency services number ready to be dialed!)

    I have waves of panic attacks, health anxiety, death anxiety, have some slight OCD to name but a few, you will never be alone here, we are all here to help each other and beat this!

    Take Care

    Wendy xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    No your not alone at all , its a nightmare isnt it.
    Today i had to go with my husband to pick up my sister from the train station, i was in a terrible panic cos people were starting to crowd around me, a lady asked me "are you in the que ? and i replied i dont know" see i cant even think what she asked me because i was in such a state trying to breath and look NORMAL!



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi there i can totally relate to everything u just said.i have had agraphobia on and off for 10 yrs and this is my worst bout ever.i too feel so scared of every sensation in my body to the point im scared to move is horrible no doubt but ther is a way currently getting cbt just now and feel at least someone is helping me sort myself out.ive only started so im not sure how its going to go but at the end of the day its down to me.i totally relate to the fear u go through every day .i have 2 special friends who are going through exactly wat u describe so u ar not alone i promise u this. love marcia x

    i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    I can totally sympathise with you in everything you say and you could have been writing about me.
    I have had anxiety problems for the last 10 years and they did reduce for a long time and at one point the agoraphobia completely disappeared but last year they came back worse than ever and like yourself I am scared of everything.:(
    I had a really bad day to-day and called NHS 24 and the doctor wanted me to go in and see him and I said I couldn't and he replied - not even to make yourself better? But I couldn't leave the house!! In the end he did give me tablets for someone to collect but I dread waking up in the morning and having to face another day feeling like this. At the moment I feel really bad in the mornings and have to have someone with me and on Friday I was babysat by my gran who is 84 ..... I'm 42 by the way [:I]
    I have made one very special friend on this site who is going through the same and knowing she understands really helps me.
    You will always find support here as we all understand what you are going through.


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