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Thread: 7 Steps to success !! (change thoughs negative thoughst )

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    7 Steps to success !! (change thoughs negative thoughst )

    I got this free cd along time ago by signing up to some news letters and just put it a side (for well over a year or two) anyway just been going through all my cd's and found it and put it on it really sounds great its all about changing negative thoughts and negative beliefs ...
    So will just put down the 7 steps... (I've already started them )

    Step1 - Get Focused ! Write it all down !! come up with a plan ! what do you want from life ? a year from now were do you want to be ? start thinking what you really want ? get your mind working once you have thought up what you want (really want) your mind will start working on it !! if your having negative thoughts you wil start sending the wrong signals to your mind and with end up with a negative life! track all your thoughts and focus on acheiving them !!

    Step 2 - Believe in yourself !! your goal to success is to BELIEVE in yourself .... If you have a negative belief system them your not going to succeed in your goals! be positive !! Limited belief patterns will limit your chances for succeeding ! all your life you have been listening to other people / following other people which has been sending you in the wrong direction.. why ?? because your mind has never been told what to do!! look at it this way your mind is full of all these negative thoughts and then there is you with all these goals & dreams but you have negative thought patterns that go against all your goals and belief patterns.. sso if you have all these negative thoughts in your mind but you really want to succeed then you need to leave these negative thoughts behind!! Make note of all your thought patterns..were does negative thinking all come from ?? they come from past experience / up-bringing / beliefs

    Step 3 - how to create a belief system !! BELIEVE !! power of believing to acheive your goals.. if you believe you are truly sick then you will feel truly sick but if you truly believe you are healthy then you will feel truly healthy what you believe is what you get !! if you really worry about something 24/7 and think the worse you will most prob get the worse ,
    having positive beliefs is creating a positive life..

    Step 4 - there is a way to acheive your goals you just have to find it and remember to BELIEVE!! you can and will get what you want out of life.. you need to pick that day when you want to start to make that change !!
    so what can you do to achieve your goals?? the answers are inside you so its you that has to do all the work to get to where you want to be ! make a realistic plan & stick to it !!

    Step 5 - Letting go of the past !! are you always thinking of what was and how you was in the past !! stop focusing on th epast as you are denying yourself the future ! shift your mind to the present moment & your mind will stay focused on the present.. your mind will adjust to stay in the present not the past... you only think about these negative past thoughts because you are used to thinking of them so learn to think of the present moment & the mind will learn to stay here... learn from the past & then release it !! ask yourself what steps are you taking to make change in your life and if you find your focusing on the past shift your mind to the future!!

    Step 6 - discover your true calling ?? follow your calling & passion, we all have a true calling 7.. don't feel frustrated / bored.. (you need to no what your passion or calling is) tap your inner wisdom to guide you ! tell yourself you do know what you wanna do & you do no your true passion.. if your still believing that you don't no what you want to do then your mind will take you in the wrong direction!

    Step 7 - Staying on track !! you have to start doing all the above steps!! you need to do these to get results, there's only you who can change you life and your negative thoughts.. practise all new thoughts !! retrain all your mind!!

    here's where i got it all from -

    Hope this helps you guys am just getting started on it myself
    don't worry about the results just keep doing all the above you will get there in time x x
    trying in little steps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: 7 Steps to success !! (change thoughs negative thoughst )

    Thanks for writing this all out for us, is a great post x
    Don't lose your way with each passing day, you've come so far, don't throw it away - Land Before Time

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: 7 Steps to success !! (change thoughs negative thoughst )

    Ive just printed this off to read in the garden been struggling recentley with bad negative thoughts, and feel trapped and down like my life is going nowhere and i will never achieve anything in my life (im only 31!) i need all the help i can get right now, thanks for taking the time to share this.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: 7 Steps to success !! (change thoughs negative thoughst )

    We all feel like we're the only ones & there's no escape from it sometimes so thank you so much fo taking the time to post.
    I will def be giving it a proper read tonight xxx

  5. #5

    Re: 7 Steps to success !! (change thoughs negative thoughst )

    that was a great read,im going to start writing what i'm going to do in the house Tomorrow im really going to push myself and keep myself busy thanks for your tipxx

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