Hi All,

I really find it difficult balancing being sensible about how much I do and looking after my self. After a blip a month ago when I felt more anxious and down than for several months, I did all the things I know to try and get my self back to where I had been- which I just about managed finally by last week. And then feeling better but also pressured by work and the amount of things I need to do before my holiday next week, I over did the work- working at week-end and late into evenings. I knew I was pushing myself but at the time felt fine- almost a bit high, like isn't this great, I'm feeling so much better. And now of course, I'm not feeling great, am tired and starting to feel anxious about everything that needs to be done before I go away. And because I am tired it is difficult to concentrate so difficult to get things done. Ahh!

It would be really nice to hear from someone....