Hi everyone

I started CBT through IAPT on Wednesday. I've had periods of anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. I've had lots of counselling and therapy and learned alot. I went on a Mindfulness course for depression management and relapse prevention last year. I made a really good friend but I didn't learn much and it hasn't prevented relapses. In fact, I was really depressed when I was doing the course. Illness has been a huge factor. Anyway, I got referred in March I think and had my assessment in April.

I've got a booklet about worry. Real worry vs hypothetical worry etc and techniques to help. I'm really worried that I've read it all before. I've just done a level 4 diploma in counselling too so I'm quite clued up on the theory and practice of counselling,

I'm not sure this post makes sense cos I'm really tired and should go to bed.

What I'm trying to say is, I've had so much therapy and read so much, but still have periods of serious depression, I'm worried that the CBT won't help and this is just going to be an on-going problem.

I'm going to try and be honest about how bad things have got not that long ago, cos when I went this week, I scored really low on anxiety and nowhere near as I did for depression as I did at the assessment. I think that's partly due to the Prozac, partly to just having a good spell.

Sorry, I'm just wittering!