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Thread: How do I cope

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Brill

    Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time at moment. You get never judge why or when you seem to take 1 step forward you take 5 back. I no when i have good day the bad ones follow and make me feel back at the beginning but i remind myself that on the occasional good day i coped with life and another one might be round the corner. Here if you ever want to talk or if i can be any help. You take care of yourself

    Love Sal xxx

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Brill

    I know how hard it is sometimes, but you truly will come out of it the other side like I did...I promise

    It takes a lot of positive thinkng and determination for some people but for others (like me) it just happens that one day you realise you dont feel so bad anymore.

    I know these low feelings are terrible but if we didnt get the lows, we wouldnt get the pleasure of the highs would we?

    take care mate and offload on us all you want, we are here for you anytime.

    love Sarah

    we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    , , Australia.
    Thanks friends. What I can,t understand is that I am on anti,ds and since I have been on them I feel so much worse I talked to my doc on the phone today and his advice is to stick with the meds.Some help he was.
    One of the problems is with this depression I really have become withdrawen into myself I have not had contact with anybody except my doc and my wife I just don,t feel like talking to them.And this afternoon my mood has taken a turn for the worset.I feel like I am on the edge and about to snap at any time,I think this comes from the fact that I have to sell a lot of my fish because we just can,t afford to keep them.Oh well I guess that is life as they say.

    Anyway thanks again Mark.

    Never give up
    Never give in
    Life,s to short
    Make it last

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mark,

    Meds can make you feel worse before you gte better. It can take about 4 weeks to settle on them . Also, not all meds suit everybody.

    Yes, there is no doubt that some of this is reactionary and all of us would feel miserable if we had to sell something we're very fond of .


    "Come to the edge."
    "We can't. We're afraid."
    "Come to the edge."
    "We can't. We will fall!"
    "Come to the edge."
    And they came.
    And he pushed them.
    And they flew.

    - Guillaume Apollinaire

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    , , Australia.
    Thanks Meg.


    Never give up
    Never give in
    Life,s to short
    Make it last

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    I am in the middle of the road on this - like Meg I believe they suit some and not others.

    However, IN MY CASE, they have done nothing but good so far.

    I truly feel like a different person, although this has taken three months for a big difference to be felt.

    Don't give up on them just yet. Give them a fair trial, and if after a while you decide they aren't for you, then fair enough.

    And don't forget to broach areas of life you can control - diet, exercise etc.

    I hope you are feeling a bit better.

    Take care


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    , , Australia.
    I don,t have a lot to say but I will say that I feel guilty in a way that I am taking up your time.sorry. I just can,t seem to through this thing.And thanks meg for the info I really don,t want to sound rude but I just can,t bring myself to sit down and read things even if they are for the good.Please don,t take this the wrong way I know some people have taken things I have said the wrong way.And when I have had a nasty experence with a place or person I avoid the place or person like theres no tommorrow.Which means my agorophobia is getting so much worse.And to be honest this is one of my larst places I can find human contact without panic.And the thought of loosing all this contact from the outside world is another great sorce of depression for me.I feel like my life is being sucked out of me a day at a time and I have an overwellming feeling or removement from mankind.And now having to deal with this all consuming depression on top of the agrophobia has almost destroyed my spirit and my will to live.(I am not going to do anything rash).I find myself becomming very tyred,and I now spend a lot of time in bed asleep.It,s as if my whole life is being sucked into a big black hole and the center of the whole is my bed,and the big black hole has consumed almost everything outside my bed and bedroom.

    wow for somebody who did,nt have a lot to say I yabbered on a bit.
    but I just wanted to let people know how depression feels from my point of view.of course I could go on for hours about how I.m always on the brink of crying all the time.And oh the overwellming feelings of dispear.and the...ect....ect...........ect.But I won,t bore you to tears.

    Thanks all Brill.

    Ps meg I will try to read the info a little at a time.

    Never give up
    Never give in
    Life,s to short
    Make it last

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Mark

    I dont want to go on and say do this or do that because what you describe has at one point been all to familiar to me and I know how hard it is. My bed was the centre of my life for ages too and even now I sometimes feel myself longing for it so I can hide away and pretend its all ok.

    What I will say is this.... Please dont EVER think you cant talk to us on here. We will always be here for you for as long as you need us! We understand you and will help you or just listen to you for as long as you need.

    Take care matey

    Love Sarah

    we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Brill

    Sorry to hear you are suffering a bit at the moment.

    You are more than welcome to come her and post as much as you feel you need to. There is always someone here throughout the day to reply and hopefully cheer you up a bit.

    Hang in there ok, it will get easier in time.



  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    HI Brill,

    I haven't taken it the wrong way . I sent it to you in the hope that you may find some useful bits within it. It is entirely your choice whether you ever read it, put any of it into practice or not.

    How long have you been on the meds now ?

    We look forward to hearing from you often - however you are feeling at that time

    Keep the belief that it does ease ..


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