so i think it's safe to say that i'm new to this site. i wanted to step out and say hi to you all here. it's sure nice to find a place where i'm not the black sheep that's constantly misunderstood. can't stand constant battles when others don't take a walk in my shoes and make some effort around me.

ought to end the rant before it gets going

anyways, i don't think i've actually said this before: i'm depressed. i think i have anxiety too. i don't take medication because i don't believe in traditional medication. (just my personal preference, no offense to those that do) i prefer alternative options.. though i haven't actually tried anything.. yet. i'm considering yoga, getting caffeine out of my diet (i drink too much coffee and recently cola.. which is gross, now that i actually say this aloud) time to revert back to my healthy smoothies... UGH. and well, when i gather the strength, to get my butt back out there moving around.

i'm tired, emotionally and mentally. physically too. i just ran a 5k two years ago for goodness' sake! and now i can't even bring myself to walk around the block since well, i feel too tired and i don't really want to deal with other people. people have been annoying me so much lately, moreso than usual. i feel fed up with how everyone is so consumer-driven and money hungry and wasteful and greedy and always wanting bigger, better, more more more.


so, hi. nice to know ya.