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Thread: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Hi all,

    So a very quick recap. My wife was told a couple months ago that she was suffering from 'Premature Ovarian Failure'. She is 31 years of age.

    Last couple weeks her breasts have been aching and tender and she last had a period on Apr 19th. (They are usually light and irregular anyways so didnt think much of it)

    But on Sunday she took a preg test and it came back positive. So we then went and bought another 3 lots of different brands and they were all positive!

    Doc sent her to hospital to have an hCG blood test, but when we rang the docs this morning the secretary said it came back as 'Lab test error. Unable to perform hCG test'.

    Naturally we are gutted as we were hoping for some kind of confirmation so the earliest time for her next test will be Fri or Monday even. So next week we could know! Stessfull or what!!

    So my question is has anyone had this lab test error before? And what does it mean??

    If it was a negative result or low hCG levels would that come back as test error or would they simply say this is your level so not likely your pregnant??

    Forgot to also say she has been spotting last couple days which does worry us a bit as its about her usual period date.

    Any advice much appreciated!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Hi Peter, lab test error means the test was contaminated in some way therefore the results wouldnt be accurate. It hasnt got anything to do with your wifes actual sample. It must be stressful waiting, but hang in there, Friday will behere before you know it. Tell her to rest up x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Thanks Paula. Much appreciated. Ill keep you posted!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Hello Peter,

    I second Paula's reply.

    Sadly, this kind of thing is very common with lab testing, and with all types of tests, including blood tests where they come back with messages like 'insufficient sample' or 'haemolysed sample', or even 'oh dear, we lost the sample'!!!!!

    It is very frustrating and must be nail biting for you and your wife when you are waiting for definite results.

    I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    All the best.xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Hi Peter, Im a trained BIOMED scientist, I'm not registered as I didn't do a year of placement and I had my second baby whilst working for the blood bank and then have since been training to be a secondary science teacher BUT started to suffer with anxiety, son have had to give it up
    ( look at my first post on fear of fainting ,for my story, of you want).
    ANYWAY, from what your saying as one lady has already outlined above, is self explanatory, lab test error literally me and there's been a cock up within the lab, either contamination of a sample, or systematic failure, operational error, meaning staff or machine are at fault. Maybe the sample hasn't been stored correctly or in transit , may have been damaged. Therefore the sample has not and could not be tested.

    Honestly don't worry, hopefully they will need a repeat sample as this is nothing to do with whether or not your wife is or isn't pregnant, just that, that sample can't be tested.

    I can understand that test and the fact that she's spotting is worrying but be assured also that some women do bleed whilst pregnant. I did!

    With my first didn't have any sort of spotting BUT with my second I thought and was even told by my doctor that I could ultimately miss carry. I didn't have a full blown period but I did have a little more than just spotting, it was just awful and it went on for about two months. They gave me a very early scan, and there was a tiny flickering heart beat. It really did reassure me that it was still there!!!

    Go with the flow a bit, pregnancy is dodgy. Hopefully the docs will advise on a repeat test and I recommend you ask for a scan.

    Hope this info helps XXX

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    awww thanks everyone. Really putting my mind to rest. It's just because of what they say she has, this could be our 1 & only chance!

    Your all so kind. Thank you very much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Hi all,

    Apparently the nurse had screwed things up and the receptionist confirmed the results show that she is indeed pregnant.

    Amazingly enough the hospital rang and asked us to come in for a scan tomorrow morning!!

    So here's hoping!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    Oohhhhhhhh.....I am so pleased for you both!!!!!

    That is great news Peter. What a blessing!

    Fingers and toes crossed again for the scan tomorrow.x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    I have been following this/previous thread. I am very happy for you both, congrats and hope the next 9 month fly by PS I also spotted during pregnancy

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Wife hCG test came back as test error!

    OHH Congratulations. Great news and a mood lifter!

    Always do what makes you happy, be with who make you smile and laugh as much as you breathe

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