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Thread: Think I just had a mega panic attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Think I just had a mega panic attack

    You know when you haven’t had one for ages and your not sure if it was a panic attack or not. I’m not still on high alert and not sure if I need to go to hospital or ring an ambulance. I was lying in bed and I had this bizarre sensation in my chest like tingly numbness on the left side of my breastbone and I reacted so fast and before I knew it the panic attack had started but whilst all this was happening I was trying to check if I was having a heart attack or a stroke. Then the shaking started. Now my heart didn’t feel like it was pumping that fast so I think that’s why I’m uncertain with all the shivers as I usually get them when my heart has peaked and I’m waiting for it to come down. I’m just sitting her shivering mess I am now wondering what to do? I’ve done some breathing that’s helped slightly but all this kicked off half an hour ago. Any advice?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Think I just had a mega panic attack

    Did ya get a quick adrenaline rush just before the attack, too? Sounds like you did. In any case, just keep on with the breathing exercises. It will eventually get your heart rate down. And bundle up with a blanket or extra clothes. As your heart rate goes down you may shiver some more, because it sounds like you and your heart just had a full workout and now you're probably cooling down.

    Edit to add; Ooops! I just noticed the time gap and time difference. You're probably already tired out from your panic attack and sleeping it off now.
    Last edited by PanickyGuy; 09-02-20 at 04:22.
    John Wayne: 'Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Think I just had a mega panic attack

    Quote Originally Posted by PanickyGuy View Post
    Did ya get a quick adrenaline rush just before the attack, too? Sounds like you did. In any case, just keep on with the breathing exercises. It will eventually get your heart rate down. And bundle up with a blanket or extra clothes. As your heart rate goes down you may shiver some more, because it sounds like you and your heart just had a full workout and now you're probably cooling down.

    Edit to add; Ooops! I just noticed the time gap and time difference. You're probably already tired out from your panic attack and sleeping it off now.
    Thanks panicky guy it was so horrible not had one like that for a while! I kept falling asleep but it was such a deep sleep after I kept waking up with a thundering heart rate four five times it’s been exhausting.
    Then this morning I woke up with upset stomach too.

    But the chest sensation was the weirdest part and it was like a tight tingly feeling right on my breastbone and that was the catestrophic trigger. I genuinely didn’t feel my heart rate go up at the time I think that’s why I started to question it but the shaking/chills/teeth chattering for a good half an hour plus after is classic what I go through.

    I began to use a sharp end of a carmex lip balm to check all my nerves were the same because it was like a temporary numbness down my left side my face it must have lasted minutes but I wonder if the chest thing was similar and if the chest and the numbness were the start of the panic attack? No idea!

    Pissed off this morning!

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Think I just had a mega panic attack

    Yeah I can definitely relate to the tingling sensations and tightness in the chest area and the numbness just before a panic attack hits, although the numbness for me is usually down my whole left side. But deep down I know it's the precursor to a major panic attack and I do my best to power on through it. Then afterwards, after it's all over, with the after effects of body shaking and chills, I'm contemplating and looking outside myself and saying to myself "You know this BS happened because you were having all these the negative thoughts beforehand and you weren't being mindful like you were suppose to have been" And of course I'm irritated with myself because that is what usually brings the attacks on.

    And that's the thing with lots of - negative/doom/the end is near/what if - thinking and the end result equals panic attack. It just builds and builds with anxiety and more anxiety, until we get to the state of panic and go off with a mental explosion or have a mental meltdown with all kinds physical mimicking manifestations making us think in a instant - GODDAMNIT I"M DYING NOW! or HEART ATTACK! or STROKE! IT'S A MOTHER Fing HEART ATTACK/STROKE! I JUST KNOW IT!

    But anyway, thankfully it's not. It's just another stupid panic attack because of all that negative thinking we did before.
    John Wayne: 'Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.'

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Think I just had a mega panic attack

    Quote Originally Posted by PanickyGuy View Post
    Yeah I can definitely relate to the tingling sensations and tightness in the chest area and the numbness just before a panic attack hits, although the numbness for me is usually down my whole left side. But deep down I know it's the precursor to a major panic attack and I do my best to power on through it. Then afterwards, after it's all over, with the after effects of body shaking and chills, I'm contemplating and looking outside myself and saying to myself "You know this BS happened because you were having all these the negative thoughts beforehand and you weren't being mindful like you were suppose to have been" And of course I'm irritated with myself because that is what usually brings the attacks on.

    And that's the thing with lots of - negative/doom/the end is near/what if - thinking and the end result equals panic attack. It just builds and builds with anxiety and more anxiety, until we get to the state of panic and go off with a mental explosion or have a mental meltdown with all kinds physical mimicking manifestations making us think in a instant - GODDAMNIT I"M DYING NOW! or HEART ATTACK! or STROKE! IT'S A MOTHER Fing HEART ATTACK/STROKE! I JUST KNOW IT!

    But anyway, thankfully it's not. It's just another stupid panic attack because of all that negative thinking we did before.
    I literally love you you have just put my head into words!!
    However why numbness and yer a lot was down my left side even momentarily buggering two days of doomsday thought patterns

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Think I just had a mega panic attack

    I diagnose coronavirus saturation point syndrome

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Think I just had a mega panic attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenixess View Post
    I literally love you you have just put my head into words!!
    However why numbness and yer a lot was down my left side even momentarily buggering two days of doomsday thought patterns

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Well you may actually get it on both sides, but you may feel it more on the left side because of where the heart is located, and that is usually because of all the blood rushing to the most important parts of our bodies for the natural fight or flight thing. Mainly the upper abdominal/chest area, hence the tingling and tightness sensations in the chest. So you get that weak or numb feeling in the rest of the body, legs, arms, and yep - even the face too. Makes you feel like your extremities are turning into jello.
    John Wayne: 'Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.'

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