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Thread: Urine samples weekly?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Urine samples weekly?

    So I was at my gp today (for a number of reasons, one being getting my skin issues hopefully in order for my sister wedding!).

    While I was there, I talked to her about some UTI's I had gotten (just blood in urine and back pain as the issues.) She tested a sample today as I had some of those issues recently. She couldn't find anything but asked me to bring in a urine sample to her office once a week (she gave me six name labels so I'm guessing six weeks of samples?). She didn't explain this to me and she only said this to me as I was out the door so I didn't really get to ask what it's about? I don't want to google lol. Any thoughts would be helpful!

    I'm having a lot of back/stomach pain as well as lots of mucus (but thankful no blood). I had a ct scan of my kidney and pelvis area (A good while ago, like back in February/March so it might be outdated. . With the back pain (tends to be lower and to the left.) and all that. I'm slightly on edge as I have a smear test that hasn't come back also! She took some bloods today (for the coil, the hospital wanted some results before that?)

    Sorry for the ramble! (I'm 22 by the way!)
    Last edited by LouiseAndy; 13-11-18 at 00:38.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    In my opinion 6 weekly samples seems a bit excessive especially as she must know you are trying to manage HA and have had a whole barrage of tests already but if you're paying for treatment maybe she just wants to be thorough and make sure that no infection gets missed over a period of 6 weeks?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    @Pulisa, thank you for the reply! It means a lot to me! And I hope you're doing well yourself.

    Like my gp normally isn't a test pusher unless she wants to look into something? But she's also been super honest with me with what's she was looking for before? So she's probably just being thorough like you said! I've had more time to be reasonable about it! (I'v been to like out-of hours twice with a infection so I was thinking maybe she's just weekly testing it for awhile encase it springs up again and have to go to out of hours)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    Like I have three worst, worst, worst cases possible in my mind. All I'm sure could have picked up in the ct or something yet my mind keeps looking towards them as issues don't seem to be going away or getting worse? All I can do is wait for my smear (which I'm super worried about) to come back (It's been around 8 weeks). Keep doing the urine test I guess? I thought i might have seen blood today but did my test to move aling.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    So like, sorry to keep testing it here but it seems like the best place to keep it together. Like I've had all the stuff, the mucus has die down a lot yet yesterday and tonight the last times I go to the toilet before bed there a tiny trace of blood on the toilet paper?

    My body also aches in other places (hip, all down that area on the left side also the same side as the back pain.) I'm trying to keep my head on my shoulders and say this could be because I've been sitting at a lot (studying at uni and skipping the gym. It's also the side I sleep on.) I've just been so exhausted. So, like my worst fears would be like cervical cancer, balladeer caner or like some type of back/bone all the area tumor. I'm also trying to be more reasonable and say with the ct scan even tho it was a few months back. Most of those issues wouldn't be real option.

    Sorry for ranting, I know all I can do is give in my urine sample again and keep waiting for the smear. I'm just exhausted and confused.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    Chase up the smear test result but no news is usually good news.

    Ring your GP and ask why she has requested a series of urine tests when there was no obvious infection on the dipstick test. You need to ask her rather than ask people on here.

    When do you next see your therapist? Are you able to get any decent prolonged sleep because you must be mentally exhausted and this doesn't help when you're trying to keep a lid on anxiety. When is your sister's wedding and are you looking forward to it or worrying that you're going to be ill for it?

    Try not to let your thoughts spiral onto worst case scenario diagnoses? xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    Thank you so much, much for replying!. It honestly means so much to me.

    I called the office today but my gp wasn't in and won't be back until Monday (she only works part time since she had her kids but I like being in her care so haven't changed gp). I have to drop in a sample Monday anyway, so I'll ask then! Realisctly I think it might be re-testing it to see if infection comes up again. As I've had them on/off alot lately! Saving me going into out of hours of something doctor or something! That's what's I'd like to think anyway. If she was testing for something serious I'm sure she would have told me?

    Eh therapy isn't great at the moment, she seemed to be more interested in talking about certain topics then others. It's a bit of a slump but I'm hoping to change things around soon!

    Thankful there was no blood today so far, lots of body pains or uncomfortable feelings but I manged to get out and see a friend before she returns to her home country and I went to the gym. So it can't be anything that serious anyway! Just the unknown I guess. Like I have been rather exhausted lately. Ive been sleeping lots on/off

    I've tried to follow up with the smear before and the person told me to wait for my letter in the post!

    My sister wedding!! It's like--6 weeks anyway now! They been playing it for 5 years now (she decided to build a house first) so the excitement is very real! We're getting out dress fitting soon. Thank you so much for asking and remembering ����

    Just in general thank you so much for always asking and replying to me. Sometimes it's nice knowing there's someone out there even I can be annoying or ranty. I've done my best in letting these fears spill into my person life but it's all a bit madding at times!!
    Last edited by LouiseAndy; 15-11-18 at 20:58.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    Like, now I'm worried about like ovarian cancer. I know I'm jumping around a lot but I don't know how to move forward. These things seem so real to me. All the things I'm feeling could be related to this.

  9. #9

    Re: Urine samples weekly?

    I too have urine problems and low back pain and hip pain and aching legs. I have an ultrasound being referred for and bloods being taken on the 5th December. I’ve only just gotten over three years of anxiety about something else that has finally been sorted and I’m just feeling so low and frustrated that now there is this. Just wanted to say you are not alone

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