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Thread: Struggling

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Struggling

    Hi all , you know one day I’d like to come here to say all is good with the world and myself but as of yet it’s not happened .
    Yesterday was Boris’s grand end of covid day ( TW*T ) today I got a call to say my aunt who we spent some time with over the weekend has covid , me and my partner came home from the coast after seeing her and my partner didn’t feel well and hasn’t since , we did lateral flow tests this evening and tested negative but as I understand it you can be in incubation period and test positive anytime for two weeks , I’m trying not to freak out but keeping that up for the next 14 days isn’t going to be easy , I guess we are supposed to self isolate but I really don’t know what we have to do ,it’s soo bloody hot we all feel like shite which could be mistaken for covid symptoms , I must admit I’ve gotten a bit complacent over time thinking I need to carry on living so what the hell but now it feels very real and close again .
    Ive been on a bit of a high the last few weeks because I took on a flat by the coast and have spent every weekend decorating it but now its nearly done my fear that the bubble would burst has come true , I feel like I’m not supposed to be happy in life and if I am I have to pay the price .
    So do I self isolate for 14 days ? Can I still walk my dogs but avoid people ? I’m double jabbed but I know it means sod all , I can’t take another knock back right now .
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I hope you lot are ok .

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Struggling

    Why don't you get tested? Then you'll know either way.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
    we did lateral flow tests this evening and tested negative but as I understand it you can be in incubation period and test positive anytime for two weeks
    Me neighbour had COVID last week. Her sons tested POS on the lateral flow tests but she was NEG. They all went to get the PCR test (straight after the lateral flow tests) and she tested POS, so I'd nip down to your local COVID testing centre to make certain Buster..

    So do I self isolate for 14 days ? Can I still walk my dogs but avoid people
    Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is that if you are a CONTACT of someone who has tested POS for COVID then you need to be self-isolating and that means you should only leave the house to get medical care. My son had to self-isolate last week because he'd been in contact with the lad next door. He never left the house, was off school (obvs) and he kept testing NEG. I had to invoke Joe Wicks again lol
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Struggling

    The things is Buster, people rarely come on the forum when life is going good because they are feeling good. NMP seems to be a place you go to when things are not going so well. You managed to mention you were on a bit of high with your coastal apartment and that's brilliant!
    But you do feel like you are being singled out with bad luck and life's demons and it's not always the case that it is a personal woe of life for you alone. My late mum's motto was "that's life". The truth is you worry and is a trait for many of us on here including myself. And you worry about the two things that most people talk about on year. The future and death! Some good advice, control or deal with the things you can and stop worrying about the things you can't control. Live each day and keep life in the present. I bet you were very focused when you were in your apartment. And please don't feel you can't come here to express your feelings, I was only advising, not dictating. You do what you need to help you get through any difficult phases in life and keep that perspective during those worry times. Look at what you have and not what you don't have. Your isolation time will pass before you know it. x

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Struggling

    I think the isolation time has gone down to 10 days now. As it's a known contact to yourself I would say you definitely have to isolate and do so from the date of your last contact with them.

    If it was me I would get a test for my own peace of mind. The worry of not knowing if you've caught it or not and having to isolate would be too much for me.

    Just before Christmas I had to isolate. I had contact with a colleague on the Tuesday, she was tested on the Friday and got a positive result on the Saturday. I was in a Premier Inn in London at the time so had no choice but to travel home. I got tested on the Sunday as I arrived home (booked the test on the way up), got a negative result through on the Monday but I still had to isolate until 14 days after my contact with her on that Tuesday.

    Meant I spent what was my mum's last Christmas in isolation instead of being able to go round for my Christmas dinner (yes I'm a little bitter).

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Struggling

    Strangely though my husband and son who were also at home didn't have to isolate because they hadn't had contact with her and only had contact with me. Obviously it would have been different if I'd tested positive.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by Catkins View Post
    Meant I spent what was my mum's last Christmas in isolation instead of being able to go round for my Christmas dinner (yes I'm a little bitter).
    I harbour similar bitter feelings towards certain individuals in the NHS who insisted I had to move my wife to a different hospital on my birthday else there wouldn't be a bed for her, which proved to be a LIE - and so I didn't get a chance to sit and have a birthday tea with Mum, knowing this would be the last time I could as she died three months later. In case you're wondering "but why did YOU have to move her?", it was because they wouldn't take her walking frame in the ambulance with her, so I had to take it in my car.

    I'm afraid I don't hold the NHS in high regard at all, but it's the least worst option.

  8. #18
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    May 2021

    Re: Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    it was because they wouldn't take her walking frame in the ambulance with her, so I had to take it in my car
    Oh no that's ridiculous! I can understand why you felt like that.

    The thing I will say though is that decisions/rules like that tend to be made my management higher up than the people in the ambulances.

    I work in a health centre that is about 100 foot from a minor injuries unit. If one of our patients is taken ill and they aren't registered to one of the GP practices that are in the same building as us or the GP's are unavailable, you'd think we could take them to minor injuries to get checked out. No we can't and they can't come to us. We have to call an ambulance to either check out the patient themselves or transport them to the minor injuries unit 100 foot away.

    Very rarely are decisions like that are made by people on the ground. It's always comes down the chain of command and it often makes no sense whatsoever.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by Catkins View Post
    The thing I will say though is that decisions/rules like that tend to be made my management higher up than the people in the ambulances.
    There are a lot of people in the NHS who seem detached from reality. What if I didn't have a car, what then?

    Perhaps those people need their heads detaching from their necks - the fact I'm still angry about this thirteen years on speaks volumes.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Struggling

    It does and it's terribly sad.

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